[@Chaotic Chao] I'm still ironing out kinks in the canon, so assume Kate Bishop is indeed around and is probably Hawkeye too. Pretty sure they both just shared the Hawkeye title. Barney's Hawkeye too... if I'm not mistaken. Ugh. No, he might be running around as Trickshot. Anyway, you should probably come up with a pretty good reason why this guy's running around as Hawkeye too. Anyway, yeah, probably a bio that involves vigilantism. And the guy runs around calling himself Hawkeye, Clint's like "???" and maybe that grabs SHIELD's attention, too. EDIT: I KNOW HIS DAD'S ABUSIVE, OKAY. I'M PRETTY SURE BARNEY WAS PRETTY ABUSIVE OF CLINT, TOO. BUT IT'S CLINT. HE LOVES EVERYONE, OKAY. EDIT 2.0: OH JORDAN I'M SORRY. HE'S LOVELY AND GAY AND BRITISH. HE'S ACCEPTED!!