[s]I’d be interested in taking up this idea, if you’re still looking for a partner. [hider=] ♦Two characters. A wanted thief, and a strange human, not of the world (or, well, culture clash from a very, very distant land). 100% fantasy setting. Weirdo is unable to do magic, but can do the rare art of alchemy, at a cost to his stamina (think FMA type alchemy, but nerf'd). Weirdo was working on a way to make a lot of money to take care of their family, but accidentally teleports to the thief, in the middle of a heist/murder. idk what the thief does, but the weirdo gains the thiefs' interest. They then go out on a journey to get a maguffin- I haven't decided what but its not gonna be easy- for the alchemist to take home AND a way for them to make a portal home, in exchange for helping the thief leave. [/hider][/s] [b]Edit:[/b] I’m leaving the previous content of my post intact. Editing this to let you know to disregard my post. I’ve enough on my plate for now! [@BeanieBaggie]