[@CrystalCHTriple] Hmm as long as you stay reasonable with it, don't go stuffing insanely large amounts of items within it. [@fluorescent] A more exprinced assassin that has to learn to put up with a bunch of hot headed pirates, I like it! Approved, feel free to move her over to the CS tab [@POOHEAD189] Ohh this dude is going to have to put up with a lot of nugshit if he really does have that distrust for the other races *looks at the current roster* Yep a lot of it XD Anywho I like him, approved. Feel free to move him over to the CS tab =) [@Aquaknight] A sassy dwarf archer... I swear that sounds familiar XD I like the little guy, he has spunk. Approved feel free to move him over. [@Leos Klien] I can't wait to meet him and his shield XD [@knighthawk] Hmm can you elaborate a bit more on there backstories? I am a bit confused on both of them. For Alabaster all I got from his story is that he worked in the mines and was then fired, I understand wanting a surprise for a character and can fully support it but there has to be a bit more to go off of. As for Vashoth I can get a bit more behind it as there is actually more to get behind, but his problem lies more within his actual classing. I really do like the idea of a more sturdy archer but I just want to make it clear that he may be able to out muscle some rouges he won't be able go full on brute force with an actually trained warrior, well most of them any, this is just to keep balance. Also what [@Leos Klien], he would be a Qunari if he fallowed the Qun, a Tal-Vashoth if he once fallowed the Qun but left it, and a Vashoth if he was never born into it. I just want to say it again that I am closing this RP to anyone that hasn't contacted me in some way, we are getting really big and I just want to make sure we don't get out of hand.