Before I could even comment on the disappeared monster, someone decided to call me... or, more specifically, they decided to call Mettaton, and Skylar commented on me having to pick up, as it could be from either Erion or Alphys. "Uh, right, I really should," I said to Skylar before answering the phone. "Hello? Um... this isn't actually Mettaton if you're wondering why I don't sound right... long story, anyways, who is this, and what do you need my help with?" I decided against telling them that I was actually still in Mettaton's body, at this point, but, since the phone they called was literally inside Mettaton's body, it wasn't likely that someone stole it, at least, not without stealing Mettaton, himself. [i]Actually... where the heck did Mettaton run off to? Didn't he say something about a make over? I mean, I know there are a couple little girls running wild here, but I'm not sure they'd just leave clothes and make-up lying around, right?[/i] I wondered as I waited for the monster or person on the other side of the phone line. I passed by the pillar, again, actually, I was more or less just pacing back and forth, as I occasionally did when I had to think, or was anxious about something, and this time, it might have actually been both. I was anxious about the phone call, and I was thinking about where the heck Mettaton went. Flowey commented that the monster might have just been killed, and as unlikely as that seemed, what made me a bit mad was how he just said "who cares", as in, who cares if a monster dies, despite him being a monster, himself... I think. While this flower WAS underground with the rest of us, I didn't actually know whether he was a monster, or not. He seemed like a rather... special case in the few times I saw him.