[center] [hider=Jackson Willis] [h2][color=9214ff]The Terror[/color][/h2] [img]http://i67.tinypic.com/2u7vmdh.gif[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Dock 32A, Grinning like an idiot [b][u]Interacting with[/u][/b]: [b][color=A280FF]Lisa[/color][/b], @AbandonedIntel, [b][color=99ccff]Edwina[/color][/b] - @Morose, [b][color=0E32CF]Mercury[/color][/b] - @Gilgex [/hider][/center] In the middle of Jackson's dettached muttering over how insane it was for a fucking cartoon to be an actual, living creature sitting in front of him; he almost completely ignored the copy of the cute motherfucker sitting in front of him, giving him a simple nod of the head and muttering his name at the guy. Not soon after though, he heard a familiar voice grace his ears and he was pulled out of his brief funk. [color=9214ff]"Oh dear fuck."[/color] he told himself as he focused back on the real world and saw a figure from his past appear in front of him. Jackson's lips curled into a wicked smile and he rose quickly into the air with a shout "EDWINA!!!" he twirled all around her while floating, expecting every inch of her for scars, bruises, or ripped clothing. He was about to gush at her, but their reunion was interupted as the woman who called herself Lisa began speaking on why they were all called here. Jackson smiled as he heard her speak, it sounded like a good place to conduct the kind of manhunts he did by himself. Oh the rescources at his disposal to find his daughter and make sure he could keep other people from ever having to go through what he did, or at least punish those who put people through what he endured. [color=9214ff]"Shit man, I'm in, 100%. Now uh, riddle me this, do you have rescources to hunt down a missing person?"[/color] He asked, not expecting and immediate answer. The ghosty dude went back to looking at Edwina for a second and was about to try and gush at her again and was immediately distracted once again by the creature that jumped over him before. The thing seemed to just swallow things into blackness. Mercury as he called himself was immediately a thing of intrigue to Jackson where before, like 10 minutes before, he saw him as something to avoid. Jackson watched the thing go into the darkness after the man who calmed himself Fenrir and felt deep in his stomach upon Mercury's return that Fenrir was no longer in existence in this world. Jackson was completely, morbidly fascinated with this idea and made it a mental note to get to know the guy. Meanwhile, pan camera to girl who was almost forced into black market prostitution. Jackson shook his thoughts out and turned back to swirling in the air in front of Edwina. [color=9214ff]"How the hell have you been, didja visit my and Chloe's grave this year?"[/color] He asked with as warm a smile as he could muster. The last time he had seen Edwina he had told her about his wife and his near death experience and the two had the crazy idea to make a gravesite for him. Kind of a way to celebrate the fact he was still alive while mourning the fact part of his life had been snuffed out. God she was his favorite.