[b]"I am sorry I did not realize that was your sister, there is a lot of things it seems that is coming into the open right now. First and foremost don't jump to conclusions, people are scared up there for an unknown reason, you know what its like to be on an planet far from home, isolated. Fear can lead to seeing things that may or may not be there even for intelligent respectable people. Maybe this is being blown out of proportion, there are many reasons but no good will come from speculating the worst in it."[/b] Jack got up from the seat and returned to the black case on the floor, sitting in his seat he rested his feet on each side of the case keeping it from moving around. He wished he was that optimistic about his own words, but the truth simply was that he had never seen space sickness to such a degree, that chances were high that something bad was going on up there. But no good would come from him telling Maria her sister might be dead by now. In truth he hoped with all his heart that her sister was safe, knowing where is own sister was now he could understand maybe better then most what the loss would feel like. Jack looked back up at Maria. [b]"One of the most important aspects of my job is to gather information before going on assignments, this avoids unneeded problems. But sometimes information is unreliable at best and could point to other things. For now lets just get there, once we arrive I am sure we will be meant by the officials of the Mars Complex, after that we can locate a secured computer to lock into. If my friend is correct about the encryption we will have to find a console that is not hooked into the main computer server where the encryption can identify us or watch our keystrokes. Our main priority right now though is to assess the situation on Mars and then report back to the UAC whom will decide what course to take."[/b]