On the outside Lexa didn't react to his words save for the slight narrowing of her eyes when he called her Trick. On the inside though, she was [i]broiling[/i]. Because if this asshole was about to give her a hard time about the shit she'd done then that was just [i]rich[/i]. Her mind flashed back to the things she'd said back at the bar, what she told him, how [i]stupid[/i] she'd been. He knew where she worked, what she looked like, her [i]name[/i]… but somehow the most upsetting thing of all was that she'd told him about the nightmares. Only her family has ever known about them. And now they were dead. [color=crimson]"One reason,"[/color] she said, her voice dark and rasping, [color=crimson]"give me [i]one reason[/i] why I shouldn't put you halfway between a brick wall."[/color]