[h1][center][b]BLOOD & IRON[/b][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://www.mywelshancestry.co.uk/Percy%20Lewis/Ypres%20Montage1.jpg-for-web-xlarge.jpg[/img][/center] [b]WAR![/b] [i]January 2nd, 1916 the world was beset by the grievous reality that is war. With an intricate web of alliances in place to force every Great Powers hand, there are no nations uninvolved--or at least, unaffected. With the formal declarations rolling in and nations mobilizing millions of men, the war ahead looks to be all encompassing. A true World War.[/i] [hr] [b]Blood & Iron[/b] is a geopolitical military, political and economic RP where you as a single player embodies the identity of a single nation and leads it through [b]The War[/b], and into the world after. Whether your nation succeeds or not is up to you. [b][u]MECHANICS[/u][/b] [b]I. A Living Nation[/b] While previous iterations have utilized [b]point-based systems[/b], this system is instead a [b]Play the Hand You're Dealt[/b] type of system. You are in charge of the cultural identity of your nation, it's name and leaders and the rest is up to chance. The important factors will be rolled and you'll be given a [b]Nation Dossier[/b] that you will carry with you. [b]II. Mechanics[/b] -- [b]Population[/b]: How many people are living within your nation. ([i]Relevance[/i]: Directly affects how many men you can conscript into your armies.) -- [b]Industry[/b]: How many factories you have. ([i]Relevance[/i]: Determines how well equipped your armies will be.) -- [b]Stability[/b]: How stable your nation is. ([i]Relevance[/i]: How fast your nation will surrender during war.) -- [b]Colonies[/b]: How many colonies your nation has. ([i]Relevance[/i]): Colonies grant you resources.) -- [b]Steel[/b]: How much Steel your nation produces a year. -- [b]Tungsten[/b]: How much Tungsten your nation produces a year. -- [b]Coal[/b]: How much Coal your nation produces a year. -- [b]Rubber[/b]: How much Rubber your nation produces a year. -- [b]Army Size[/b]: How large your Army is. -- [b]Naval Size[/b]: How large your Navy is. -- [b]Army Training[/b]: How trained your Army is. -- [b]Naval Training[/b]: How trained your Navy is. -- [b]Air Force Size[/b]: How large your Air Force is. -- [b]Air Force Training[/b]: How trained your Air Force is. [hr] [b]NOTE[/b]: Below is an application. Completing an application will grant the Moderator an opportunity to roll your nation's dossier. [hider=Application] [b]Nation Name[/b]: [b]Head of State[/b]: [b]Demonym[/b]: (France is French, Germany is German, etc). [b]Brief Description[/b]:[/hider] [hr] [b][u]TIMELINE[/u][/b]