For housing, indicate please if you're like to live in a house (residential area), stay at the inn, or live in an apartment. After that, I'll randomly select your lodging for you based off of that information. The map above is a work in progress, and may be modified if I realize that something key has been left off. The IC, if all the stars align, will be posted on June 20th. ;) [u]Character Sheet Feedback[/u] Some of you have already made these, which is great! Read through the rules again and make any additions you need to *hint hint*. I'll give specific feedback to a few of you below. Please don't take any of this personally--I already love all of the characters we have. :) [@Witch Cat] : I'm worried that he's a little [i]too[/i] strong at the moment. I'd like to veto his quick draw ability, but I'm alright with him having spells already prepared in the witch balls. The witch balls I'd like to limit to fairly minor spells--nothing that could cause death, basically. I'm also thinking that his enchanted skill makes him too hard to kill, so I'd like to get rid of that as well. He needs more weaknesses than just iron, essentially. Rather than clothing magical, I think having some sort of talisman to protect against one type of supernatural creature would be more appropriate. For the cat, witches don't generally have familiars with the lore we're using, so he won't be able to really use him as one, if that makes sense. I'm also wondering how his mother reacts to all of his stuff, but eh, weirder things have happened. Then, for the schools of magic, I'm vetoing being able to create spirits, and teleporting items. The rest appears to be fine, with the understanding that each spell is going to be a long and complicated process, and that all magic will have a price. Lastly, Altsoba is in Washington--not California. Sorry if that seems like a novel! Once those fixes are made, I think he'll be good to go. [@Sohtem] : The only major fix needed is that Elizabeth needs to be in Altsoba during the apocalypse and all of these events -- she can't be jetting off for England. At least, that's how I interpreted the history section in your character sheet. Once that's fixed, it all looks good! Though, with her skills listed the way they are, she doesn't know how to use the gun she owns.