[center][color=99ccff][h3]Edwina Fairfax[/h3][/color][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/7f2c997406b7a5e068b294432b0ca419/tumblr_inline_o0e6s6Zz7P1s75o4i_500.gif[/img] Location: Dock 32A by the helicopter Interacting With: Jackson [@FrozenEcstasy], Armando and Lisa [@AbandonedIntel][/center][hr][hr]Eddie crinkled her nose, trying not to giggle as Jackson sped around her like an overprotective parent. It was almost as if he had tragically lost his daughter and was looking for a way to fill the void. Of course, his overbearing nature had to be put on hold, while Lisa was going on and on about her speech. -- [b][color=A280FF]"We do. Even if we didn't have Netflix, we would've set it up for you. Can't live without Game of Thrones. huh?"[/color][/b] Lisa said, smirking a bit. Eddie shook her head, rolling her eyes a bit. [i]Please.[/i] She wasn't into Game of Thrones--she watched sophisticated shows. Anime. Subbed, not dubbed. Like a real fangirl. She wore her knockoff wigs with pride, going to conventions each and every year, in order to show her dedication. She wasn't some summer patriot--no, she was the winter soldier! [color=9214ff]"How the hell have you been, didja visit my and Chloe's grave this year?"[/color] Eddie chuckled a bit, turning her attention away from Lisa. She figured that her not running off implied that she was going to join up. [color=99ccff]"Yeah, I visited...But to be honest, it was on my way to Emerald City Comic Con, just spent a few minutes there."[/color] For a moment, Edwina pondered making up an elaborate tale in which she was taken hostage, abused, and nearly killed. It would have been funny for a moment, watching Jackson spiral out of control, and insist on killing all of them. Instead, Eddie merely shrugged her shoulders. [color=99ccff]"Just been doing the same old things. Go out and call myself Lucifer sometimes, play with the lights,"[/color] Eddie explained. [color=#99ccff]"You?"[/color]