Ted smiles as she asks if it was that obvious. To him, a local born, he can see when someone doesn't take the snow for granted. She wasn't reacting just right. "I was born here." Ted nodded agreeing to her guess that it wasn't his first snow storm either. "It just snowed a few hours ago." He laughed slightly. "We weren't even done cleaning up for that yet. It's Winter right now, so we get our worst snow storms right now, but it's cool to watch from the gardens. Later, after headcount, I can take you up to see the garden on the building." The Doctor meanwhile joined the queue for the blankets. She had a small bounce to her step that got her a couple side glances, not anything the Doctor was a stranger to. The Doctor was a good dozen people back in the line from the front, but she found entertainment in looking around. She realized there was an undercurrent of stress amongst some of the adults. "What's wrong?" She asked the nearest, obviously stressed out person. "My son is in the snow. I don't know if he got indoors in time." The Doctor nodded understand that fear. "Your son knows the bells. I'm sure he found shelter. Was he playing with friends? He may have just gone over to their place if it was closer." The woman seemed calmed down by the Doctor's logic and nodded moving forward with the line.