[hr][hr][center][h1][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Cassandra%20Hope&name=learningcurve_tt.ttf&size=75&style_color=88cdcb[/img][/h1] [img]http://cdn.teen.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/pretty-little-liars-cast-singing-videos.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Hotel Shikha [b]Interacting With:[/b] Claire, Alcander, Murphy, Desh [b]Date:[/b] Early Evening/August 1st, 2016[hr][b]Interaction Tags:[/b] [@Lady Amalthea] [@POOHEAD189][/center][hr] Cass grinned as she sang, dancing circles around Murphy as the cheesy pop song classic rang out from the speakers, her voice carrying the tune well and true. She smirked when she saw Murphy's grin and she tried not to laugh at Claire as she did her usual encouraging calls from her seat in their booth. This was old hat for the girls, one of their favourite past times honestly especially when they were out bar and club hopping. As Claire made her way to the stage, Cass stood to the side and did the good groupie thing of yelling, cat calling and whistling for her bestie. The sound was what Cass had come to expect from Claire but it never failed to take her breath away when Cass listened to her perform. Then Cass felt her heart drop into her stomach as she saw Murphy starting to walk forward to sing the male coutner. This couldn't end well... Well that was definitely not what Cass had been expecting. She knew how good Claire was as they'd done karaoke and sang together before. Cass knew how talented and amazing that Claire was but she had never imagined, particularly after the Banshee spectacle from moments before, that Murphy had such a gorgeous voice. Her panties would have hit the floor if she had been wearing any. Standing in awe, she watched the two perform and play the entire audience watching them with gaping mouths and gawking eyes. Every look from Murphy rose goosebumps on her skin and Cass felt herself tingling all over. She usually got this from Claire but it was odd to get it from someone else too. Good odd, but still odd. Then he made his way over to her, his brow pressed against hers and she felt the warmth of his skin and his breath as he sang to her, his eyes never leaving hers. She felt his hand slipping around her waist and she couldn't help but press a palm to his chest as he pulled himself closer to her and she wrinkled her nose a little as his brushed hers. The tickling sensation causing her to giggle as she listened to him continuing to sing with his sister. Cass hadn't taken her eyes off of Murphy until he moved away and when she looked back over to see what Claire was up to she saw her walking away from Alcander and Desh she chuckled, wondering what Claire had done to the two poor men. Well Cass wasn't about to let them both upstage her without a fight, no sir. That mic drop would be rescinded. She'd use the energy from their performance and make one of her own with a more recent song choice. Dancing up to the stage she crinkled her nose and stuck out her tongue at them both, scooping up the mic from the stage floor and ushering them away. [color=88cdcb]"Git you two, my turn t'perform now. Shift yer wee arses."[/color] She grinned at Claire and gave her backside a quick smack as she chased her away. She went to the karaoke machine and found the song she wanted to perform. Smiling to herself she walked up onto the raised platform and let the [url=https://youtu.be/MNetWp2H_Mw]song[/url] begin. It was upbeat and had a good tempo, definitely a song that Claire would call "A total Cass". [color=88cdcb]"Lying eyes and flashy lights, I think I've been here before. And you caught me by surprise! I said I'm taking you home."[/color] Her left arm rose up as she pointed to Claire and Murphy together as she sang the previous line. [color=88cdcb]"Yeah you, yeah I'm impressed, I wanna bet, it's true, that I'm the best you never had..."[/color] She shimmied her body, bending her knees as she lowered herself to the floor before springing back up again. [color=88cdcb]"Have you ever been around another one like me? Gets down like me, sounds like me? Have you ever met a motherfucker fresh like me? Got you on your knees, with your ripped jeans."[/color] She jumped from the platform to the main floor, landing on her knees, sliding slightly as she sang the words. Her body swayed from side to side as she came to a halt and she was quickly back on her feet as she continued. She made her way to Alcander and sang to him from across the table. [color=88cdcb]"You! Are you ready for it? Are you ready for it? You! Take a shot, lemon drop, then we rock all night."[/color] Her hips rolled as she motioned towards the two siblings that she was now standing in front of. Her body movements were suggestive to the extreme without making her look like a third rate stripper. She definitely knew how to handle her body. [color=88cdcb]"Now you got your hands on me... I didn't tell you to stop! Somewhere they shouldn't be... I didn't tell you to stop!"[/color] She rubbed herself against Murphy before spinning over to Claire, her free hand grabbed Claire's and pressed it against her chest. Cass let go and gave her a wink and a grin as she sang and danced away from them both, shaking her derriere as she bellowed out with all her might to entertain the patrons. As she sang the chorus again, she danced towards the others within the establishment and did her best to let them have a good time with her. She danced with some, winked to others, one even wanted to high five her as she moseyed on by. She eventually made her way back towards her group and was now beside Desh as she came to the more suggestive section of the song that trailed off from the chorus. [color=88cdcb]"Then we rock aaaall niiiiight..."[/color] She hip bumped Desh and made her way to Alcander who's face she stroked and gave him a wink. Claire was next where Cass sat right in her lap and wriggled in it before she found her way to Murphy whom she straddled completely before bouncing away from him as quickly as she had arrived. The song may have been repetitive but Cass's performance would have made it worth watching and listening to. It may not have been on par with the prior but it definitely brought her back out of her Barbie Girl slump she refused to let herself be left under. It was time to end this one. Her feet carried her to the platform stage again and the final version of the chorus began as she spun around to face everyone. [color=88cdcb]"Have you ever been around another one like me? Gets down like me, sounds like me? Have you ever met a motherfucker fresh like me? Got you on your knees, with your ripped jeans. You!"[/color] Cass pointed to Desh. [color=88cdcb]"Are you ready for it? Are you ready for it? You!"[/color] Her finger waggled towards Alcander, as if beckoning him towards her. [color=88cdcb]"Take a shot, lemon drop."[/color] Cass winked to Claire again. [color=88cdcb]"Then we rock all night."[/color] She thrust her hips towards Murphy. The song ended and Cass bowed to the applause of the audience. Sure it may not have been quite as large as the McManus Con men had gotten but at least she'd managed to make herself feel better after having been tricked by Claire and her hottie of a brother. She made her way back to the table and made a dumb face at Claire before grabbing her drink and downing it in one. She was way too thirsty after that.[hr]