Here's a character for you! [hider=Xiubao] [img][/img] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Ling Xiubao, Master of the Five Senses [sub]Literal translation is “charming gem.” The title is her trademark stage name.[/sub] [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 24 [u][b]Totem[/b][/u] Butterfly [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] Regal, exotic, flamboyant, modern—Xiubao is a living symbol of mankind's pride in its latest advancements. Regardless of the constant suspicion she tends to attract, she plays the part of a local celebrity, confident and graceful as if every aspect of her life is a show being performed. The attention of others is something she demands with the sharp tone and contrast of her clothes, which is tempered by a charismatic and genial persona. Likewise, the perfume she wears is a clingy, yet subtle musk of sandalwood and lily. Her facial features are soft overall, the curve of her chin and cheeks shallow and her almond-shaped eyes wide. The lighter ivory tones of her skin mark her as an obvious foreigner, but her natural hair color is a mystery under the bleaching and various dyes she's used over the years. Her fingers are long and dextrous with eye-catching paint of any bright variety—usually blue. She has a lilt of a Goristan accent that's difficult to attach to any minority from the country. Her clothes, likewise, are foreign and modern with a local touch. Her long black jacket has silvery embroidery reminiscent of oriental origin, but its sleeves are flared and its bottom opens up into a tailcoat. The coat's stark contrast is found underneath its black contours, featuring bright blue patterns reminiscent of a butterfly's wings. She wears the same symbols in her hair—bright azure hairpins that stick out from both ears and resemble the wings of a swallowtail butterfly. On her hips is a matching blue belt, and her pants share the same silky black textures of her coat complete with the silvery embroidery and flared bottoms. Between the bright colors and brazen fashion, even more questionable is the semi-transparent blouse she wears. Its sleeves extend underneath her jacket in lacy wisps, but her midriff is fully exposed. Only her neck and breasts are covered by a more modest, opaque black material that matches the jacket. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Xiubao has more personas than most. She's played the part of actress so long that each social interaction she has is calculated and matched with whatever mannerisms suit her interests the best. On the stage, she utilizes a confident charisma that seamlessly transitions from utter seriousness to wonderment and humor, as if she surprises herself by her own feats. She demonstrates a formal geniality among those of the higher class and a more open charm when she's around the general public. She gives off the air of a cultured celebrity, conscious of varying cultural standards, languages, and accents that she can interpret and react to with precision. By herself, however, even she's not sure of exactly who she is. Xiubao's charismatic nature leads most to assume she's talented and intelligent. While her actual depth in serious and scientific concepts is iffy at best, she calls herself a jack of all trades, using various chemical, mechanical, and sleight of hand tricks to pull off illusions. Her appearance would also lead most to think she prefers the finer things in life—and she does—but she more often makes do with a paltry salary and more humble circumstances than she allows others to believe. Politically, Xiubao doesn't follow much of the world. She's comfortable in the grey spots of morality and nationality, affiliating herself with no particular group and exploiting both the poor and the rich in her schemes. A creature of comfort more than ambition, she tends to seek the path of least resistance—though never let it be said she hasn't been prone to a few bouts of getting too greedy for her own good. [u][b]History[/b][/u] “Everything interesting begins on the fringe. It could be the fringe of your local woods where the boys get up to no good, the fringe of a table shared by a family, where the toddler's cup is bound to tumble off any second, or even the fringe between you and me, where you think you're seeing everything but really only half of everything to be seen. “Don't make such a dreadful face! I wasn't going to walk away with it. There you go, safely back on your wrist. Like I said, we like to think we're aware of everything around us, on us, within us. We're not. But that's the illusionist's secret, see. We make you think you are acutely aware of something, that it's so solid, real, and impossible to miss that—ah! Just like that, you miss it. “Why, then, do you go about asking me who I am and where I come from? I've already managed to misdirect your attention to far more fascinating conversation. Your face is killing me! No, no, no need to break out the fists. I'll tell you something relatively related to origins. “Once upon a... no? At least give me the pretense of a beginning! I was raised by carnies and carnie families don't have a homeland other than what happens to be under their feet at the time. We did all the things I can imagine you imagining, parading exotic animals and devices and showing off feats of physical and mystical intrigue. We made good on good seasons and survived the bad ones with sober jokes and warm company. “And then travel started becoming unfashionable—well, dangerous. The villages were less keen to see in strangers and much, much less generous with their coin. The more modernized among you gave us actual work to perform, but I suppose we lost our appeal. Bonds were broken and we went our own ways. Guess that makes me a die-hard, being the one-man show that I am. You'll give me a home, won't you? “No, no, bars and chains don't really do it for me. It's all a misunderstanding, I swear! I've no idea how the lady's necklace ended up in my equipment trunk, which I've told you several times now. The earrings were utterly neglected, on the ground, which I fully intended to return as soon as I learned the owner. The money was just rude to take—I earned that with the excellent entertainment I provide, and which you are enjoying free of cost. “Ah, your hold could use a little gentleness! I suppose I've talked enough anyways.” [u][b]Strengths[/b][/u] [b]Cane Fencing:[/b] Xiubao was trained to defend herself with a technique mastered by a fellow carnie. Though used for theatric purposes, she also has a practical knowledge of fighting. Cane fencing in particular uses flourishes that serve to confuse opponents and lend momentum to cuts. The thrust of the cane is made with both hands, which allows it to be used in closer quarters than that of a typical sword. [b]Theatrics:[/b] Xiubao's talents in trickery give her a diverse set of skills. She can chemically mix powders to produce explosives (like fireworks), sing and dance professionally, mechanically manipulate locks and ties, manipulate social situations with exceptional acting and cultural knowledge, and her legerdemain is potent enough to make thieving from pockets a breeze. [u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u] [b]Combat:[/b] She's strong—for a woman, and while she can handle a group of untrained thugs, cane fencing isn't an ideal sport against real weapons with real training behind them. With her style already largely dependent on distraction and confusion, she lacks the hard-hitting precision of a real warrior. [b]Foreigner:[/b] As skilled as she is with language and people, the fact that she is a blatant foreigner and a lover of modernization has won her suspicion at best and outright rejection at worst. Add to that the fact that she is a self-proclaimed illusionist and it becomes nearly impossible to find trust and decent business anywhere. [u][b]Likes[/b][/u] *Opera *Gyoza *Shadow puppets *Gossip [u][b]Dislikes[/b][/u] *Limp vegetables *Getting up early *Swimming *The smell of fish [u][b]Theme[/b][/u] [url=]Little Butterfly[/url] [/hider]