Evelyn felt herself fall into the pool of some seemingly black liquid. It was cold, wet, but didn't stick to her. She opened her eyes and was on the floor, in a position much like the way she woke up in this... world? Lying down on her back. Evelyn noticed the more welcoming atmosphere. [i]Is this the same tavern?[/i] Looking around to take in the new surroundings, a rough looking barkeep didn't seem to notice some strange woman appearing on the floor. [i]Or was I in here, on the floor this whole time?[/i] Shaking her head to clear the thought, she sees the teenager from the group. He spoke to her, mentioning the oddness of the situation, and then introducing himself. Evelyn took a couple steps closer, then realizing the awful headache that was forming. She gave a half-smile, and nodded in agreement. "I feel like we'll need to get used to this. Fast." She held out her hand. "I'm Evelyn."