[quote=@DeadBeatWalking] [@Dead Cruiser] Accepted! I'd like to cap the group at four, so submissions are now closed. IC will start shortly. [/quote] am i still allowed to join or no since i haven't finished the CS yet? EDIT: if not i totally understand, but either way here is the cs [hider=Chiasa][center][h1][color=pink]CHIASA 千朝[/color][/h1] [img]http://kamiyas-blog.de/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/tumblr_n608ovtFtr1r60zuio2_500.gif[/img][/center] [color=rosybrown][b]N A M E:[/b][/color] [indent]Kajiyama Chiasa, The Weeping Girl.[/indent][indent][indent]카지야마 千朝.[/indent][/indent][indent][indent][sub][b]Meaning:[/b] Kajiyama - a generic surname with no meaning / Chiasa - One Thousand Mornings.[/sub][/indent][/indent] [color=rosybrown][b]A G E:[/b][/color] [indent]Nineteen.[/indent] [color=rosybrown][b]T O T E M:[/b][/color] [indent]The Praying Mantis.[/indent] [color=rosybrown][b]A P P E A R A N C E:[/b][/color] [indent]Chiasa is a small mixed girl with crystalline blue eyes and platinum, white blonde hair. She is rather petite and tiny in build, though her body is slim and flexible looking. Her hair is kept in a low ponytail pulled to the side, resting on her shoulder, with bangs hanging on the opposite side of her face. Due to having been in the rain a lot, Chiasa has a strong immunity and doesn’t get sick rather easily. There isn’t anything peculiar about Chiasa’s scent, she simply smells like flowers and berries. On Chiasa’s back there are small scratch scars from multiple accidents in the past that Chiasa can’t be bothered to remember. Chiasa wears a loose yukata, with the upper half typically shed so it hangs around her waist and a simple tight black grey silk shirt without sleeves covering the upper half. The yukata is a dark blue with pink sakura petals clustered on the bottom, spreading further apart the farther it drifts up the yukata. She typically doesn’t wear shoes, but instead walks barefoot and because of that her feet are severely calloused. Her chain-whip is wrapped around her waist underneath her obi, hiding so others cannot see it. [/indent] [color=rosybrown][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y:[/b][/color] [indent]Chiasa is selfish. She knows it and doesn’t even try to hide it. When it comes to the harsh, cruel world, Chiasa will always put herself first before anyone else. She tells herself that’s the way it has to be to survive (it’s how she sleeps at night, after stealing money right from underneath a conquest’s nose). Matter of fact, Chiasa is so selfish that she might even betray those she hold close in order to save her own hide and when it comes to loyalty, Chiasa is definitely not getting an award. It doesn’t matter what she is willing to do to her loved ones for selfish reasons, because Chiasa doesn’t have much in her life – she has no family, no friends, no love – and she uses materialistic items to fill the hole of loneliness. She’s lived such a way most of her life and so material items tend to have more of a hold over her than any person ever would. Her greediness knows no bounds and Chiasa has murdered men in their sleeps for gold and jewelry (she’s not proud of it, but it happened). When it comes to her outward personality, there isn’t much to boast about. Chiasa is the definition of “unladylike.” She spits in the face of such a term. The girl has no time for pleasantries and is very blunt and straight to the point, which most often comes off as impolite. Her word choice is often vulgar and crude, with not a hint of embarrassment or afterthought. She lacks the demure personality many might have thought she would possess at first look. Her responses can often be sarcastic and sardonic, belittling and harsh. To add to her less than stellar personality, Chiasa comes off as arrogant – probably due to her sarcasm – and spares no time in putting down enemies and allies alike. Despite how she seems, though, Chiasa isn’t as arrogant and untouchable as she would like to seem. In truth, Chiasa is rather insecure about herself. Not necessarily her appearance, but her personality and worth. She doesn’t believe that anyone is nice to her out of the goodness of their heart (because who would be nice to her?) and so it’s with ease that she takes advantage of them (though it makes her feel worse the morning after). Not only that, but Chiasa is incredibly lonely. She spent most of her life alone and doesn’t really know what it’s like to be liked by other people, or taken care of. So, when she does get attached to people, she is extremely affectionate – though she tries to play it off coolly and suavely. Chiasa is a very spontaneous person and likes to live in the moment; she finds impulsivity and stupid on-the-spot decisions to be exciting and worthwhile. Though Chiasa may come off as thoughtless sometimes, or brash and idiotic, she is actually very cunning and smart. Most of her money is made from her half-baked schemes and thoughtful calculations, plus a tidbit of manipulation (okay, a lot, but whatever). Most might have thought her as a hot-headed person, as well, but Chiasa is level-headed and cool in the face of adversary. She knows when keeping it collected will benefit her. Overall, Chiasa might not be the best ally to have – but most people don’t know that till it is too late. [/indent] [color=rosybrown][b]H I S T O R Y:[/b][/color] [indent]There’s not much to say about Chiasa’s past. She is of mixed race – her father being from Goristan and her mother from Tsukishima. Chiasa doesn’t know much about her father, never met him, and lived with her mother until she died of illness when Chiasa was seven. Afterwards, Chiasa was on her own in the world. She quickly learned not to trust anyone as her life depended on it and instead swindled men and women on the streets by masquerading as a fortune teller. In order to protect herself, Chiasa picked up weapons lessons from passing by warriors and veterans. However, once she grew older, she found a new way to swindle people with more money. Chiasa became The Weeping Girl. Chiasa would wait hours on the road, crying, in order to lure soft-hearted people to her. Most of the time it was men, who she’d spend the night with and leave in the morning with all their material possessions. The odd times it was a woman, Chiasa played on their maternal instincts or their female solidarity, and would take advantage of their kindness. Chiasa was very careful to never be caught – she was never on the same road twice unless a good couple of months separated the times and she picked her victims wisely by scouting them ahead of the road. Chiasa always managed to slide under the radar until the recent couple of months, when she accidentally robbed a rather influential socialite and the moniker, The Weeping Girl, became a little more widespread. Of course, her tricks weren’t completely blown as not many heard of her, but she was still wary. It was only a matter of time until she got caught in the act – liberating a warrior of his sword and gold while he slept. He woke up in time and held her there until she was captured and shucked away, cursing her luck. [/indent] [color=rosybrown][b]S T R E N G T H S:[/b][/color] [indent][b]Chain Wielder:[/b][/indent][indent][indent]Though Chiasa has been taught a little of swordsmanship, she was never quite good at it. Instead, Chiasa prefers chains and flexible whips that she can swing around in order to cage her enemies. With her chains, she tends to use her natural flexibility and training in martial arts to incapacitate her enemies. However, it should be noted that because her chains need a wide-berth to swing, she can be easily taken down if the enemy gets into her personal space.[/indent][/indent] [indent][b]Reading People:[/b][/indent][indent][indent]Due to her time as a faux fortune teller, Chiasa has learned how to pick up the small nuances in a human's behavior in order to predict their actions and personality. Using this, Chiasa is very good at fooling other people by easily finding their weaknesses through the personal items they wear and the way their body moves. Often times, Chiasa uses this in order to seduce men and trick women.[/indent][/indent] [color=rosybrown][b]W E A K N E S S E S:[/b][/color] [indent][b]Greed:[/b][/indent][indent][indent]Chiasa can be easily swayed if gold or other material items like jewelry is used in bribery. While she may hesitate, if rather close to the people she may betray, it will be very, very difficult for Chiasa to turn down the offer.[/indent][/indent] [indent][b]Love:[/b][/indent][indent][indent]Because of her loneliness, if the person is able to persuade Chiasa into actually believing that they love her, Chiasa could easily succumb to them in the hopes of her loneliness being crushed.[/indent][/indent] [indent][b]Lack of Strength:[/b][/indent][indent][indent]Rather simply, it would be easy to overpower Chiasa in close quarters since she relies on speed and flexibility. If she were to be pinned down and kept close, Chiasa would not be able to do anything.[/indent][/indent] [color=rosybrown][b]L I K E S:[/b][/color] [list][*] Berries [*] Uncut gems [*] Cats [*] Festivals / Festival food [*] Alcohol[/list] [color=rosybrown][b]D I S L I K E S:[/b][/color] [list][*] Dogs (they scare her) [*] Chicken (she can eat any other meat, just not chicken) [*] Strong perfume [*] Dirt / Being dirty [*] Hot Weather[/list][/hider]