[hider=Danielle Lambert] [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=purple]Danielle Lambert[/color][/h1] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/smallville/images/e/e2/913Smallville0648.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100214211557[/img] [color=purple][sub]"I just wanted to do good..."[/sub][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=purple]•[/color] Name: [indent]Danielle Lambert[/indent] [color=purple]•[/color] Age: [indent]Late Twenties[/indent] [color=purple]•[/color] Gender: [indent]Female[/indent] [color=purple]•[/color] Sexuality: [indent]Bisexual[/indent] [color=purple]•[/color] Role: [indent]Logical Loser[/indent] [center][hr][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpbm7rNQUf1qbmp7lo1_500.gif[/img][hr][/center] [center][color=green] •[/color]Co-operative[color=red] •[/color]Paranoid [color=green]•[/color]Intelligent[color=red] •[/color]Bitter[/center] [color=purple]•[/color] Personality: [indent]Danielle just wants to do good. Her timid nature is just a product from her being scared to disappoint. However, she still is very curious and loves to just know stuff, about people or trivia. Her constant paranoia extends beyond being afraid of what goes [i]bump[/i] in the night, what people think of her scare her more than any killer could. Danielle is also very reclusive, deciding that if she was just quite and passive, there would be no chance she could screw up . She was the typical quite, smart kid at the back of the class, just with the exception that she showers. Furthermore, with her lips constantly kept shut, a lot of her emotions go bottled up with no way to let them out. She can be [i]very, very[/i] patient, but when pushed too far, she isn't afraid to lash out and attack, both verbally and physically. When mad, Danielle is easily irritable. Snapping and lashing out at anyone who dares anger her in this state. An overflow of bottled up emotions explode, affecting everyone within ear shot of her. Keeping so many emotions at bay is bound to explode if never expressed. But after the dust has settled, and Danielle has cooled down, her pessimistic and mean side seems to completely vanish as she becomes very apologetic afterwards. But not always, she usually holds a massive and silent grudge against the person who agitated her, and ready to lash out again the second they even think about pestering her again. Though, she always feels disappointed in herself for lashing out. However, Danielle does have a "nice" side. She is incredibly sympathetic, and able to help people cope, heal and move on. All the hardships she went through helps her understand others a little more. Danielle is also a very smart girl, able to plan, learn, and think faster and better than others, taking bits and pieces from her school life to incorporate into her real life. Paying attention in AP English made her a cunning linguist, allowing her to talk herself out of confrontations. And also with a bucket-load of puns, despite her shy and quite nature, she always loves a bit of humour and laughs. Years of projects, and science has helped her develop a critical mind, that is if she's calm. A panic can make anyone act spastic. And so and so forth. Her skills are complemented, but yet, no matter what, she never feels good enough. Danielle does try to stay positive whenever she can, she's almost an optimist. And if she isn't feeling all too chipper about a situation, she still does try to lighten the load on others. [/indent] [color=Purple]•[/color] Hobbies & Interests: [list][*]Reading [indent][color=purple][i]"How could I ever live without a good book?"[/i][/color][/indent] [*]Exploration [indent][color=purple][i]"So much of the world to explore, and I'm cooped up in my room."[/i][/color][/indent] [*]Writing [indent][color=purple][i]"A perfect way to vent! Even though my pages are usually soaked in coffee or tears."[/i][/color][/indent] [*]Being Social with Friends [indent][color=purple][i]"I like spending time with friends, and only friends. Only to then after regret ever going outside"[/i][/color][/indent] [*]Games [indent][color=purple][i]"In 'Overwatch' or 'Chess', I'll destroy you in both!"[/i][/color][/indent] [*]Helping [indent][color=purple][i]"Teach, assist, or help you cope with a lost one. All I want to do is good"[/i][/color][/indent][/list] [color=purple]•[/color] Likes & Dislikes: [indent] [hider=Likes] + Co-operation + Kindness + Humour + Acceptance + Sharing Interests + Helping Others + Receiving Praise [/hider] [hider=Dislikes] - Competition (Unless if she is riled up) - Snobs - Naive and/or Stupid People - Being Pitied and/or Belittled - Alienation - Large Groups of People - Being Hated [/hider] [/indent] [color=purple]•[/color] Other: [indent]She may be single, but she has something better than a S.O.! A cat she loves, that loves her back. She also has a tendency to day dream, mostly about her being the centre of positive attention, and being showered with praise, and thus zones out pretty fast.[/indent] [center][hr][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-V9L8tun8Zbs/UrIbrSN4IhI/AAAAAAAAyhM/MgOb0SKMXV4/s640/zeeee.gif[/img][hr][/center] [color=purple]•[/color] Biography: [indent]"But I don't want to go!", she blurted out in a mumble of tears and sniffles, garnering sympathy from the passer by in front of the [i]Rising Sun Elementary School[/i]. Danielle Lambert, one of they many other students wailing outside the school on their first day, with the exception she wasn't as loud, "Everyone will hate me!" "Oh don't be silly, Danielle," her mother cooed, holding her child closer to her bosom as her husband loomed impatiently from the side, "You're a perfect little girl, you'll be everyone's favourite." Danielle wasn't convinced, fears of failure, and alienation riddled her mind, casting terrified glances at the smiling Mrs. Deville outside, "You promise?" "Yes, of course," she hugged Danielle tighter as she saw [i]Him[/i] walking past, "Just be safe, alright? Find good friends, and be good." Letting go of her child who glumly trudged along to her classroom, Danielle's proud mother waved her good bye. Danielle went on to be a prodigy, her hand shooting up to answer every question, but never speaking another word. She's insist on sitting in the back with "it" (as her mother called him), but "it" was too harsh, Danielle would reflexively cringe away when someone used that harsh word. She believed no one deserves that, maybe behind that scary face, there was a kind, gentle beast. Her favourite movies were "The Hunch Back of Notre Dame" and "Beauty and the Beast." Danielle [i]tried[/i] to talk, to both Jack (as she learned "it"'s name was) and others. But her lips were always shut, not by her own accord, she just couldn't talk. Though other students thought she was weird, Danielle by far the favourite student of all her teachers. Quite, polite, and would also tell on others if you just ask, but some found her quite and soft voice infuriating, causing her to fall deeper into a self conscious silence she'd always struggle with. But sometimes, she'd mumble a few words to her only friend. Jack. Jack never responded, always keeping his deformed head down, as he pelted with insults and raspberries. He was like a punching bag to the other kids, at least he kept the attention off Danielle, but Danielle just couldn't handle him. She swore that she wouldn't just dislike someone out of whim, that she wouldn't let his manner or appearance bother her. She was going to his Belle, and him her Beast. She always had a grand imagination, frequently slipping into day dreams of what she could accomplish if she tried. They rarely came true. This being no exception. Danielle slowly detached herself from Jack, never speaking a word to him again. Her mother seemed glad. Skipping forward past school, graduation, college, awkward years of figuring herself out. Danielle always was bright, winning every award and still not making friends. She was too busy for that, she'd often tell herself. Like this, landing a job was easy. Every interviewer was blown away by her CV, she'd frequently get calls offering high-end jobs. She'd always decline, she finally had her dream job. Writing, and a science degree for when things start going south. Fortunately, she never had a need for her degree. Danielle was an accomplished writer, not a billionaire, but she had a following. Her glum, and realistically gritty tales were loved by all who knew of her, and it helped her to stop from slipping into depression. Life was great. By her low standards anyway. But she frequently wondered what happened to her other friends, no classmates. Did they miss her? Did they still know who she was? Did they even know her? She'd love to just see them again, that letter in the mail was a God sent. Despite never talking to them, from what she over heard, they were nice people. Wouldn't hurt to meet up. Or would it? Danielle would frequently stare at that letter in either delight or fear, never making up her mind about which. Dare she leave her cozy, up town room and go back there? Mrs. Deville would be there at least, she was kind to Danielle and did try to help her out of her shell. She decided she would go, but only to thank her teacher and then return safely to her home. She hoped.[/indent] [/hider]