64,673 characters. 11,653 words. 24 pages. 6 parts. 2 writers. 1 post. Kings, Queens, and Princes; lords, ladies, and gentlefolk, I give you... Quite possibly the most pointless, but also the most fun, RP post that I have ever had the honor to be a part of. *snuggles [@darkwolf687]* In the future, guys, I think we need a chaperone for when we're writing alone at night. We don't have very good self-control, see, we're just impulsive teenagers, and sometimes things go a little farther than either of us is quite ready to commit to. We on for tomorrow night for the morning collab between Sia and Co and Zak and Co, Wolfie? ;P Just kidding. I think I need a bit of not glaring at word documents. *rubs eyes, shuts off computer, and goes to bed*