Perrin sized the bed up and down and found no particular structural fault with it. The bed appeared to be appropriate size for the Hyena’s size. Seeing as there was no particular issue Perrin immediately climbed into bed. Hearing a slight creak out from the bed but nothing warranting worry or panic. Normally he would set his bag onto the floor but family advice had warned against such. Instead he placed the large backpack in front of him as he lied on his side. Perrin made sure to get comfortable in the bed. He pulled up the blankets as best he could and fluffed up the pillow. The results were not totally satisfactory but it could have been worse. The blanket covered halfway up his abdomen and it would have to do and the pillow still felt flat and maybe a bit dusty. The floor would have be worse though, and sleeping on the ground has lowered Perrin’s standards of comfort. The Hyena soon wrapped both arms around his carry on backpack tightly, as if he was trying to put the bag in a grapple hold of some sort. He then fell asleep within a few seconds. It was a very well trained and mastered art that took years of practice.