[center][h2] [color=1a7b30]Arren Malla[/color] [/h2][/center] She looked over, and let out a sigh of relief. Arren was still mad about Vuduin taking out her Poochyena, but at least he hadn't lost to a Magikarp. The Budew is barely able to stand, but that didn't really matter. It was a good battle, and everyone did a good job. She needed to get some help for her Poochyena, but she wasn't too concerned. There was bound to be someone here who could help. Arren stood back, and thought about what had happened in the match. There were a few parts that were strange to her, but it still was fun. [i]That could have gone better for me, but our team still won. Sure I'm still a little mad at Vuduin, probably won't talk to him for a little while, but at least his Budew didn't lose to a fish that was flopping around.[/i] She looked over at the 3 sailors, who were standing there in disbelief at the results of the battle.[i] They fought hard, might as well be kind about it.[/i] "That battle was fun," she said more directed at the sailors, but speaking to everyone. [s] [/s] Location: Gleampier [color=1a7b30]Team[/color] [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/436b/f/2010/050/0/0/animated_poochyena_by_skullke.gif[/img] LEVEL: 7 ABILITY: QUICK FEET MOVES: TACKLE, HOWL, SAND ATTACK Bag: Palm Pokédex Potion x1 Palm Ball x1 700 P (Pokédollars)