[center][h2][b][color=#23F794]N[/color][color=#21F19D]a[/color][color=#1FEBA7]t[/color][color=#1DE5B1]u[/color][color=#1BDFBA]r[/color][color=#19D9C4]a[/color][color=#18D4CE]l[/color] [color=#14C8E1]S[/color][color=#12C2EB]e[/color][color=#10BCF5]l[/color][color=#0FB7FE]e[/color][color=#10BCF5]c[/color][color=#12C2EB]t[/color][color=#14C8E1]i[/color][color=#16CED8]o[/color][color=#18D4CE]n[/color] [color=#1BDFBA]A[/color][color=#1DE5B1]r[/color][color=#1FEBA7]c[/color] [/b][/h2] [center][img]http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l497/wedgie2011/cooltext180424197927428_zps6pl4jivd.gif[/img][/center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uvX201s.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/YWqLekM.png[/img] [img]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/cooltext141340328007740_zps3gxyewql.png[/IMG][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/FGD7pKH.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/A0ETWbS.png[/img][/center] [sub]banner credit to [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/hellis]Hellis[/url][/sub] [hr] [b]Location: Lost Haven, Maine - Tyburn Avenue Timeline: Present[/b] The portal was nearly complete, the rift in the Arcane Stream blazing brightly lighting up the underpass. The precious minutes Lekh bought The Ambassador allowed her to concentrate uninterrupted by the intruders. Odette had mostly ignored the conversation Lekh was having with whomever was on the other side of the van but her name caught her attention briefly, [color=bc8dbf]“Ms Ambassador, please shoot Miss Desdemona in the knee cap, it seems our friend here is hard of hearing.”[/color] Lekh paused continuing his bluff [color=bc8dbf] “Oh, wait, it slipped my mind that she prefers to use horrifying magic. Well, I am sure she will use her imagination.”[/color] Odette’s invocation continued without pause while she listened. Lekh seemed to not hold any reservations regarding her magic at least in accepting as it was. Sweat beaded at Odette’s brow visualizing her final piece of the portal, the door. The golden doorknob formed first the sparkling sheen lost in the overwhelming light. Thick dark wood grew from the doorknob panelling out in all directions the arch curving the top of the door. The light dimmed considerably behind the newly formed door still shining brightly out of it’s edges. The hinges latched onto the left side now complete. Odette huffed out a long breath pulling out a energy bar from her purse unwrapping it to snack a few bites. Not necessarily needing it immediately, but ate out of habit. Finishing the bar quickly casting an eye at Joseph and the new woman. She reeked of magic and had a tacky costume to match. Odette ran a judgemental eye over the pair of them. Marie looked from one scene to the next, overwhelmed by the amount of commotion over one girl, at least, that’s what she assumed this was over. Thanks to Lekh and Gabriel’s bickering, she had gained slightly more insight, but was still entirely unfamiliar with all present. She looked to Joseph, who only shrugged. “This is about as far as I got last time . . . with a few additions,” he replied, noting the newcomers, one of whom had taken the form of a large, metallic being that threatened to level the entire underpass. The pair backed away, moving closer to Odette. Joseph turned his attention to Odette, whose presence he recognized. “Her,” he pointed, “she’s trouble. She conjured some faery beast to take me out and was no doubt responsible for the wards and traps around this place.” Marie looked Odette up and down, sizing up the sorceress. She sensed a second presence, a lingering shadow about her, no doubt that which gave her a connection to her powers. She turned to the now finished portal, composed of an energy reminiscent to the Silver Sorceress’s magic, power drawn from the Arcane Stream. Marie had proven that she could efficiently counteract arcane powers, as could Joseph, so this portal should prove just as simple to close. “The portal,” Marie turned to her side to Joseph, “I don’t know exactly what they’re doing or what it’s purpose is here, but we stand a better chance at getting answers if we take it out.” For perhaps the first time since she became the White Witch, her mind was clear. She wasn’t anxious, wasn’t afraid, wasn’t overly cautious; she just wanted answers quickly so that she could return to her comrades in West Virginia. With an outstretched arm, Marie began to chant. She called on a banishing spell used to rid oneself of tricky fey and spirits. With the streak she’d had going on today, she figured it’d be enough. Joseph joined in, crossing his arms with the blasting rod in his right hand. With a simple hand gesture on Marie’s part and the uncrossing of Joseph’s arms, the two sent forth a powerful dispelling force that would be enough to banish most mystical annoyances . . . but they had severely underestimated their opponent. When their spell made contact with the portal, it caused only a shimmer, then fizzled out. Odette scoffed at the poor attempt to dismantle her portal, “[color=thistle]You two really haven’t a clue of who it is you are tangling with.[/color]” Pointing a manicured finger at Joseph, “[color=thistle]I [i]will[/i] be back to tear you apart. You poisoned the Archon. I do not let such actions go without consequences.[/color]” Odette threatened venomously. Beckoning to Lekh, “[color=thistle]We really must be going, Silence. We’ve wasted enough time entertaining these uninvited guests.[/color]” Silence turned for just a moment, backing up slightly from the puddle at his feet as Odette called him. The portal was prepared, though it looked like a strangely lit door to his untrained eye. It was only then that it dawned upon him that his only avenue of escape was through that very same portal. He was putting a lot of faith in the Ambassador. Too much. Unfortunately, he was confronted by magic and machinery from each side, so his options were limited to say the least. [color=bc8dbf] “I believe you may be right.”[/color] He replied, with exaggerated coolness, as he suddenly turned and fired towards the two newcomers behind him, emptying his remaining magazine into the magic users as he began his retreat. He kept one eye on Icarus as he backed up along the side of the ambulance, looking in both directions rapidly before dipping behind the back of the transport vehicle. His weapon was out of ammunition by that point, so there was little else for it but to trust the fae hadn’t decided to remove him from the equation, drop his debilitating aura and holster his weapon. He legged it, basically. Racheli was still on the ground before the portal, and the Ambassador was better equipped to keep their many foes off his back. So, as he passed, the Polish criminal scooped their victim up in a fireman’s lift and yanked open the magical door. Marie tuned in to Lekh’s shots just in time to deflect them, however, not before the first managed to skid past Joseph’s left arm, leaving behind a tear in his clothing and a few droplets of blood. [color=bc8dbf] “Whenever you are ready, Ms Ambassador.” [/color] He informed her, preparing to step into the unknown. Hydro groggily raised himself from the puddle looking around he caught a fleeting glimpse of Lekh firing his gun. Hydro watched with anger as the man then disappeared out of his sight. Reforming himself he bellowed with rage in the direction of Lekh. [color=32cd32]”Screw you!”[/color] Hydro looked around at the empty area populated by only a handful of people. Gabriel seemed to be motionless whatever had happened to him had stopped him in his tracks. [color=32cd32]”Hey buddy? You okay? Doctor? Hellooo?”[/color] No response, what had happened to him? Meanwhile, Marie took the opportunity to part Racheli from Lekh’s grip. With a single hand flourish, she took control of the girl’s body, removing her from his person as delicately as possible and placing her closer to the ambulance. She couldn’t let these two get away with her, whoever she was. Lekh held onto Racheli as he felt her body being manipulated by afar. The criminal wasn’t weak, even in a world populated by the superhuman his strength was impressive. If Marie intended to yank Racheli from his grasp she wouldn’t be doing it delicately, Rach would suffer injury as the force required to escape Lekh’s vice-like grip would break bone. Still, Marie intended to pull her from his grip with sheer force alone, presuming she could do that with magic, so what damage was done was ultimately her fault. That’s how Lekh would justify it, anyway. [color=bc8dbf] “Ms Ambassador, could you please deal with this magic?” [/color] Lekh requested as Racheli was yanked from his grasp and floated up into the air. He staggered from the effort of resisting the magic, while taking the time while his hands were free to quickly reload his pistol with his remaining magazine. He fired at the duo of magic users, determined to make them work to defend themselves so Odette could gain an advantage despite being outnumbered. He was growing frustrated with the situation, it seemed like everyone was getting involved in his business, and he had half a mind to find these people on their own when they least expected it and deal with them personally. That would have to wait though, once he was done and had time to calm down such murderous thoughts would leave him, they usually did. He tried to maintain his composure as he walked back over to Racheli’s new position, hoping Odette would prevent further magical interference he could do little about. Odette huffed at the levitation spell being cast over Racheli, their intruders had ample warning to turn and leave. “[color=thistle]You have really left me with no choice.[/color]” Odette said not entirely disappointed. “[color=thistle]You have inserted yourself into our business rather [i]rudely[/i]. Now I’m forced to deal with you.[/color]” Her hand drifted up to the floating Racheli then quickly spoke a spell to counter Marie’s levitation. When the magical grip on Racheli was released she fell limp. Odette stepped forward past her portal and Bach obediently followed at her side, eyeing the iron ring on Joseph’s hand still. Wary for very good reason. Odette didn’t have the time to erect a ward to protect them but knew of a few nasty illusion spells that had worked on Joseph and could very well have the same effect on Marie. Odette’s hand glowed misty blue and the illusion spell came with articulate force behind her words, the spell itself took form in silver needles meaning to surround her target’s heads. Still unnerved by his previous experience, Joseph eyed the floating needles with genuine fear. His perception of reality had been heavily distorted, he hadn’t the mind to discern such illusions, especially without Holt to aid him. Marie, on the other hand, was uncharacteristically brazen today. Something stirred deep within her, filling her with strength and clarity. She looked momentarily at the needles, then to Joseph, who had begun to cower down. “Illusions,” she said aloud to calm Joseph and spite Odette, “nothing but illusions. Don’t let her fool you again.” Joseph breathed deeply. He closed his eyes to will the needles away, Marie’s voice aiding his focus. The two remained unscathed. Acting quickly, Marie waved an arm, sparks leaping from her fingertips and sprouting thick flames where they touched the ground. She was careful with their placement, ensuring that they were kept away from Lekh and Racheli. The fire began to encircle Odette, drawing ever closer to her person with each passing moment. “[color=thistle]You two are rather fond of fire. How [i]cute[/i][/color].” Odette snarled as Bach huddled closer at the sight of the fire. Odette lifted herself on the tips of her toes preparing her next offense, a circle of blue light ringed a few inches outside where she balanced on her toes. Bach recognized what she was about to do then casted himself to a much smaller size to be stowed safely away in her pocket. In a flourishing pirouette the blue circle grew in size the sand and dirt of the underpass being swept up in her dance. Words of Power beat against the rings of light, the sand picked up frightening amounts of speed extinguishing the flames. Odette locked eyes with Marie then without another second the dirt whirlwind shot forward with the momentum and speed directly at Marie and Joseph. Not wanting to be swept away by the onslaught of sharp sand, Marie began to whistle and beat her broom handle against the ground. Joseph joined in, whistling a sharp note and holding his blasting rod in front of him. The wind reacted to their calling, gaining speed and clashing with the wave of dirt and sand. The underpass became a violent torrent of wind and sand, Marie and Joseph’s counterspell keeping the sand at bay while also throwing stray particles in all directions. It became difficult to see, but Marie and Joseph still had a lock on Odette, and she on them. Odette kept the sand going with little strain dancing away at the center of the circle then shouted at Lekh, “[color=thistle]Leave! Now![/color]” He didn’t have to be told twice, having caught Racheli with his right hand and fired at the two magic users with his left only for his bullets to do literally nothing, the Pole was feeling a little out of his depth. He turned back on his heel, pistol in hand, girl over his shoulder, and went for the door he’d half opened. Magic was all around him, but he kept his head down and his grip on their target tight, hooking the slightly ajar portal with his right foot and dragging it open. He looked at his stolen security issue pistol for a moment and then threw it over his shoulder beneath the ambulance. He’d been wearing gloves, and the weapon was tied to one of the other guards at the CDC. Only Bobby had known he’d been involved in the transport, and he was dead. That lead was cut. [color=bc8dbf] “As you say.” [/color] He replied, letting the Ambassador know he’d finished his job and stepping into another world, Racheli in hand. Stopping rather abruptly with a new spell in a single aggressive flourish of her hand to bring the dance to an end the sand pulled back, reshaping itself into a dangerously sharp spear rearing up near Marie and Joseph’s feet to strike at Joseph. The wind roared violently, eldritch verses echoing off the stone walls of the underpass. Marie looked in horror at the spear of sand launching itself toward Joseph, who was painfully unaware. He relied on Holt to be his second set of eyes, and without him present, he was practically blind. Marie, however, had senses heightened by an innate gift of which she was not yet aware. With a similarly violent sweep of her hand, a gust of wind intercepted the grainy spear. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough. The spear began to break through the protective barrier of wind. In response, Marie pushed Joseph out of the way, allowing the spear to strike her instead. “No!” Joseph shouted as he fell to the ground, Marie lying still where he once was. Luckily, the spear had been weakened by the heavy winds, but it packed enough force to knock the breath out of Marie, who was now unconscious for the second time that day . . . but not because of force or exhaustion. “Dammit, Marie.” Joseph muttered as he neared her rigid frame. He turned her over to inspect the damage. The front of her dress was tattered and dirty and pieces of her mask were falling off, but she sustained no major injuries. Upon further inspection, Joseph smiled. Marie’s eyes had turned white and her body was stiff. She had crossed the hedge, her spirit wasn’t in her body. Above the battlefield she flew as a spectre, surveying the area and assessing the situation. As a spirit, her powers were uninhibited, but her body was susceptible to harm. In response to this, Joseph formed the SATOR square, placing a protective barrier around Marie’s physical form that would shield her from baneful magic. Meanwhile, Marie charged towards Odette, unseen to all mundane forces on the field. Her ghostly visage became engulfed in flames, setting fire to the surrounding area as she marched forward. The wind too responded to her ghastly call, flowing with increased strength and spreading her spectral flames. Odette grinned in triumph as Joseph retreated behind his ward with the witch downed. She could plainly see Marie wasn’t dead but it was enough for Odette to escape. Slowly she took a few steps back eyes still trained on the witches. Light above her from the spectral flames drew her attention and her eyes widened at the sight. A small ward cast in her hands swept up to protect her person but in the resulting force was pushed to the ground on her back, skidding backwards away from the portal. Her arms struggled behind her hastily casted ward glaring up into the fiery spectre. Her arms shook with strain, teeth clenched against the force. Fire was licking up her barely protected legs drawing a shout of pain from Odette. Worse still, her outfit was ruined. “[color=thistle][i]Bach![/i][/color]” Odette snapped out between her casting, speaking in French. “[color=thistle][i]I need your help![/i][/color]” Bach poked his head out from inside her pocket fearful of the flames. His own hand glowed green, “[color=darkseagreen][i]Right away, My Lady.[/i][/color]” He replied in French. Bach’s magic reinforced the ward giving it a rather green tinged light mixing with the distinct blue of Odette’s. His Fae magic was just the trick to bolster a retaliation. The ward grew in size its edges encapsulating the ghostly fire, effectively allowing Odette to stand back up and push back. Thoroughly singed, burned and increasingly enraged Odette stepped back away towards her portal again. Glaring down the spectre of the witch. Her hand groped behind her for the doorknob. Finding it she opened the door then beckoned for the floating Archon to move ahead of her. With the Archon safely through the threshold so to did Odette follow not sparing a final look at the intruders. When the door closed behind her the portal disappeared in a blink of an eye. Racheli, Odette and Lekh had escaped. Leaving behind a statue still Icarus, small powerless Hydro and the pair of witches still reeling in their attempts to stop a new magical foe. Racheli unconscious and unaware was pulled deeper into Gene Co's grasp.