Something between a gasp and a laugh escaped Lexa at his words. Because… was he serious? [color=crimson]"You're so full of shit,"[/color] she said. [color=crimson]"Will you [i]shut up[/i] about justice!"[/color] She ran a rough hand through her braid, restless energy needing some sort of escape. [color=crimson]"I don't care about your vendetta, I don't even care about the people on your stupid hit list. You kill them so 'no one else has to die'? You leave a trail of fucking [i]carnage[/i] in your wake. You don't give a shit about other people so stop using the theoretical innocent lives you're saving to ignore the real ones you're throwing away like they're nothing!"[/color] In that moment she hated him. Somewhere in her tirade her voice had grown into an enraged shout as she stared at him, anger rolling off her in waves. She hated his delusions of morality. She hated his self-serving single-minded quest for revenge, whatever the cost. She hated the gentle, forgiving way he's spoken to her after she'd killed a man for the first time. She hated him because she knew he was right – Lexa couldn't kill him. But lord, did she [i]want[/i] to. Lexa took a step forward, though she was still a fair distance away from him, [color=crimson]"You. Leave. I don't care where you go, you just get the [i]hell[/i] out of my town. I ever see you again, you'll find out who I am and what I can do."[/color] And then she was gone.