After getting totally ignored by that other guy that looked like he might be fun, Mirja was in a pout. She didn't like being ignored, and so when she was, and got into a pout, she was pretty dangerous. As anyone with nearly a ton of force in fists that wear restraints would be when they were not emotionally sound. So as she walked along, one of the Shinigami gave her an insensitive catcall, and ended up with a marble-esque fist in his face. It was only after looking at the bloody, broken form of the guy that she thought she should actually do something about it. So, picking him up as if he was less than a sack of potatoes, she carried him off to the 4th barracks, where she waltzed in casually. "Hey, anyone around? I got a guy thing person for you to do helping stuff on" she exclaimed, clearly not enthusiastic about getting medical aid for him, but just doing her part as was expected of her. [@Lunaeria]