Sam looked down at the trembling man in the robe. It was pitiful, but then, most wizards were. Bookworms were like that, and most wizards [i]were[/i] bookworms, by nature of the position. Admirable in a way, though. Sam was curious as to how his performances could have been enhanced had he spent the time to sit down and learn some magic of his own, but there was no time to find that out anymore. He answered the wizard in the Slith's place. [color=92278f]"She's here for the job - the same as you and I, I assume. Or she's here to kill you and is trying to determine whether she can do the job. But honestly, she had her chance for that on the approach, so that [i]probably[/i] isn't it."[/color] Sam walked, one foot directly in front of the other, down one of the remaining roofing beams that supported the thatching, and dropped down in front of the inn door, which he opened and entered. A sense that he should probably act with some degree of mild courtesy struck him as he closed the door behind him, and he reopened it, sticking his head out for a moment to speak. [color=92278f]"That knight is probably awake by now, or will be shortly. When you're done pissing yourself, wizard, feel free to join me. And you as well, whatever-your-likely-extremely-difficult-to-pronounce-name-is."[/color] The door closed again.