[hider=Nikodem Zuraw] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/74/61/26/746126ce14ad737de74c5a8165a1b6a9.jpg[/img] Name: Nikodem Zuraw Age: 27 Nationality: Polish Callsign: Rzeka (Z-heh-kah) Specialty: Navigation and Tracking History: Nikodem Zuraw was born and raised in a quiet city called Zawiercie located in Silesian Voivodeship of southern Poland. The town was always peaceful and had never really seen much action as it was not a huge tourist site nor was it as populated as the other cities only capping off at 51,880 people. As a child Nikodem was very quiet and reserved, average at best. He grew up with no military background from his immediate family of one older brother and two younger sisters. His father was a professor at the University of Administration and Management while his mother stayed home and doted on her children. He flew through his schooling making few friends. One in particular was the motivation for him to join the Polish Naval Forces. Her name Aleska, her father was a part of the 3rd Ship Flotilla and was in the Support Unit often handling search and rescue missions in the Baltic Sea. This was his exposure to the world that is the Polish Navy. Aleska often talked of her father's wondrous adventures at sea with Nikodem, letting his imagination take off. Aleska soon moved away as her mother had passed and the thoughts of the Navy left with her. He would go on to graduate through school with a degree in management and begin a new life. That was until Aleska returned to Zawiercie and rekindled her friendship with Nikodem. She brought new tales of the sea and of her father who was now retired from the Navy. With the fire lit beneath him once more, on an impulse he moved from Zawiercie with Aleska to the Navy port city of Gdynia. In Gdynia he enlisted for the Navy but failed his first time entrance exam. Aleska helped him study the second time around, improving his english, getting him better acquainted with what was needed to be learned and even going so far as to briefly study under Aleska’s father. During this study period his reflexes and quick thinking abilities enhanced significantly, his weak melee abilities that he started with became his most deadly weapon. Though he was standard with his gun, hand to hand combat is where his strengths truly lay. Not only that, but his nact for being a natural tracker was discovered. The second time around he successfully made it in, the same section as Aleska’s father; 3rd Ship Flotilla. But he had the option to be either a Support Unit or as the Submarine Unit. Nikodem ultimately decided on Submarine Unit when Aleska pushed him to do so. She claimed she wanted to hear new, different stories about the sea. He then proceeded to train in Submarine technicians and operations where he learned the ropes of the Baltic Sea. After a few years, Nikodem was transferred to the Jormungand sector where he took up his role as a navigator. This transfer caused strain on his marriage with Aleska causing them to split but with no hard feelings. Merely they went their own separate ways. Now that Nikodem has gone a while being the best in his field he is on his search and rescue for the man known as Hunter. Personality: When Nikodem was younger he was a quiet and reserved boy, until he met Aleska who was a bright and energetic person who changed him to be a lot more open with people. Her leaving had detrimental effects on him as a person. He reverted back to his introvercy, his grades skyrocketed as he was then focused only on his studies. His time in Gdynia was wild with Aleska back in his life, but the crushing reality of his failure to get into the Navy quickly cut this short, he once more became much more focused. Not necessarily introverted but he was very text-book oriented and played by the rules exemplifying the perfect textbook Naval Officer. Straight edged and serious, as most jokes tend to go over his head. Most people enjoy making fun of Nikodem’s hard edge personality by doing even the most simple things with unconventional methods. This is not to say he cannot think on his feet, but he prefers much more ruler based ways of doing things. His need for structure and rules to discipline his every action makes him very keen to commanding officers as he does nearly anything he is told to do without much hesitation or questions asked. Though his morals can get in the crossfire of his actions, the ability to set them aside to get the job done is what makes him so very textbook. Though he is very by the book, he does stand for those he deems himself to be close with. Even going so far as to question a position of authority for those he truly holds dear to him. His old, playful personality he claims is left with his beloved, Aleska, but yet there is a small glimmer there every so often when he is with the set of people he truly feels comfortable with. Preferred Choice of Weaponry: [img]http://fabrykabroni.pl/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/msbs-08.jpg[/img] 201B The Valak: The Valak serves as a pulse rifle, firing bursts of 3-5 shots at once. Unlike your typical constant streaming rifle, the pulse nature gives an opening for close range combat. It's shots not only are fatal but can cause a target to be stunned while injured giving less room for a chance to escape. It's also a lightweight rifle with little recoil but this gives it less power overall. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6c/8d/90/6c8d90c6a42dff563a74e127d908b9a0.jpg[/img] Obecny Krok: This knife is 5.2 inches long, running through the inside of its brass frame is the inner workings of a taser. A rubber easy grip handle is on the end with the taser’s on and off switch at the butt of the knife. This knife is heavier than most and makes it inconvenient only to be used in a close up situation. Hand to hand combat comes in handy when using such a weapon, the skill required to use item is high yet with a rewarding payoff..[/hider]