[hr][center][h1][b][i][color=khaki]Fr[/color][color=tomato]ick[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://i.giphy.com/UrCpAxG8MMgdq.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Newnan Infirmary[/center][hr] Stepping back from the door to allow Kris to pass, Victor gave a sombre nod of the head and made his way quietly over to Maria's body. He had to make sure that her brain had been penetrated fully and despite the fact that Kris had clearly made efforts to do as much, Victor was not taking any chances. He took his hunting knife and pierced it in and upwards from the base of the skull and made sure that the feeling of the blade was consistent before pulling it back out. Richard glanced around Victor and saw Maria's body, his face wasn't concerned but neither was it laughing like he had imagined it would. Not like it had the day he had left her behind for dead. This time it didn't amuse Richard and that caused him to frown in concern. Victor watched Richard as Kris growled some words at him. He couldn't tell why Richard was frowning though. Becoming lost in self reflection for only a split second before he heard Kris spitting venom at him as she left the infirmary, Richard rolled his eyes and called out after her, tact be damned. [color=tomato]"I'm just fuckin' peachy keen dolly, but don't ya forget that I'm not the one tha' made her go out and kiss a fuckin' corpse!"[/color] He called out after her as she stormed out of the building, Richard watched her depart and he groaned to himself. Stupid little bitch, she was fucking blaming him for her death? He hadn't even been there! He was laid up in a fucking infirmary gurney from the ass kicking that her and her now dead, fucked up little family had given him earlier today! [color=tomato]"Don't look at me like that Doc. She started that shit. I didn't kill her fuckin' sister."[/color] Richard leaned back in his wheelchair and rested his head on the back of it as he stared up at the ceiling. Victor left a dish under the table where Maria's blood was dripping off and wrapped her head until the blood congealed. Save more of a clean up than there already was. Victor wiped his hands on the front of his shirt on the odd area that wasn't already coated in blood and walked over to Richard. He crouched down in front of him and gave Richard a firm pat on his knees with his hands. [color=khaki]"The poor girl just lost the last of 'er family. If 'aving you to blame 'elps 'er get through it, maybe it wouldn't 'urt to let 'er take 'er anger out on you? Well, without us letting 'er get physical on you again that is."[/color] Smirking a little, Victor pulled himself upwards by putting his hands on his knees and pushing against himself. He looked down to Richard, who in turn looked over to him with a look of utter exasperation on his face. [color=tomato]"Don't see why I gotta be the villian..."[/color] Quirking an eyebrow and laughing aloud, Victor shook his head at Richard. [color=khaki]"You already are 'er villian, Richard. No changin' that now."[/color] Victor moved away from Richard and took his bloodied shirt off revealing a white vest beneath it. He then grabbed something from his jacket pocket and grabbd a table and chair over to Richard, setting the table down between them both as he sat down. He placed his hand on the table and set something there before withdrawing it. Richard snorted and shook his head as he saw the deck of cards. Victor sat there, awkward looking as ever, and looked at Richard. [color=khaki]"Best six out of eleven?"[/color][hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=peru]Agnes Brynja Johannsson[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/2d90dbdc12c5758158f0dab66c2f639a/tumblr_inline_nxgiggZjCC1sh6kg8_500.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Newnan Gates >> Inside Newnan's Walls[/center][hr] Before Captain Ash could answer Bryn's question, the red head with the bad haircut decided to have a go at Bryn. Bryn simply stared at the woman with a dead pan expression and slowly blinked as she screamed at her. Girl needed to get laid and fast. The last time Bryn had seen a woman wound so tight that she ended up accepting an invitation to a bukkake party because she was told that it would, and Bryn used to quote this line often, "loosen her up and help her skin from getting wrinkled by all that stress she was under". Safe to say the after effects of this endeavour were clearly not what the woman expected. Bryn opted to ignore this broad that was trying to make Bryn care about a total stranger that was none of her concern. She simply kept her bored expression and stared at her until she moved her attention elsewhere. Sucking on her teeth, Bryn glared at this Ash fella and then spat on the ground at the side of her bike. She really didn't want to give up her Whacker but with this horde and the fact that this group had shown her this place of possible safety... Bryn began to weigh the pros and cons of giving up all her weapons and submitting to being used as a portable blood bank. She wasn't happy about it but... [color=peru]"Ja ja, fine. I stay with the wagon though as I idle in. Ain't lettin' ma darlin' outta ma sight. Also I'm AB-, rare but not as rare as the precious O-. I'll let ya test t'confirm."[/color] Bryn rubbed off the top of her bat with her jacket sleeve and then gave it a gentle kiss before throwing it into the back of the wagon along with her crossbow, two berettas and her knife. She froze for a second as she thought about her throwing knives that were currently hidden beneath her clothing but she decided that honesty was the best policy here to prevent these fuckers from finding an excuse to string her up for body parts. Lifting her shirt up, Bryn unstrapped her sheet of throwing knives and threw them into the back of the wagon as well. She then set Grace into idle and moved her forward with the rest of the wagon and the others as they all made to enter into this new hole in the apocalypse. At least the people seemed more decent than others she had happened upon in her time alone.[hr]