[hider=Hayden Walters][hr][hr] [center][h1][color=514229]Hayden Walters[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/8cd6923e83c38d690430d83427008295/tumblr_mi1m5xwbQS1s5v43no7_500.jpg[/img] [color=514229][sub]It'll all work out. Maybe not quite yet, but eventually.[/sub][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=514229]•[/color] Name: [indent]Hayden Walters[/indent] [color=514229]•[/color] Age: [indent]32[/indent] [color=514229]•[/color] Gender: [indent]Male[/indent] [color=514229]•[/color] Sexuality: [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=514229]•[/color] Role: [indent]Shy Stalker[/indent] [center][hr][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/d62f04a52a97c2ef204381bfac0e9c21/tumblr_muphywGmuW1sgy1nto1_500.gif[/img][hr][/center] [center][color=514229]•[/color] Kind-Hearted [color=514229]•[/color] Eccentric [color=514229]•[/color] Loyal [color=514229]•[/color] Outspoken [color=514229]•[/color][/center] [color=514229]•[/color] Personality: [indent]Hayden is a rather complex person. He's very outspoke, very opinionated, and always stands for what he, and only he, believes. Sometimes it is not the greatest thing, getting him into some trouble. To go along with that, he's also fairly stubborn and needs to do things himself. Unless it doesn't effect him, he needs to be the one who does it. He thinks that if it is done that way, he's the only one he can blame, getting himself out of the trouble of being angry at people for no real reason. He's very aware of the fact that sometimes he gets angry easily and has been trying to get a grasp on that. He's been known to get a little crazy sometimes. Besides those few quirks, he's a pretty nice guy. He's one of the most loyal, trustworthy people you'll meet. With his past of being bullied, he learned a lot about how important those two qualities are. He also gives credit where credit is due. If somebody does him, or anybody, a kindness, he's usually the first one to thank them or be particularily nice to them. But that also goes for the opposite end of the spectrum. If somebody does something harmful, he's not afraid to say something about it. [/indent] [color=514229]•[/color] Hobbies & Interests: [indent]Hayden is an up and rising photographer. While he's not a real common name thrown around, he has continued to rise in the ranks. He is most known for the eeriness of his pictures. He takes candid pictures, typically of accidents, deaths, and has even weaseled his way into some crime scenes. Why or how he wasn't stopped is beyond public knowledge. He also has a growing interest in *insert wife's name here, when she's created*. He has an undying belief that she is simply made for his camera and his alone. He feels that he is the only one who could capture 'what she is meant for'. He's never shared specifically what it is that he finds particularily interesting.[/indent] [color=514229]•[/color] Likes & Dislikes: [indent] +Taking Pictures (But is without a camera at the event) +Nature +Horror Films +Silence -Continuous Loud Noise -Snow -Bright Sun -*Insert Husband's Name Here* [/indent] [color=514229]•[/color] Other: [indent]He tends to stare at people often, but not to be creepy. Everybody still thinks he's creepy in that sense, but he just looks at them as if taking a mental picture. He really means it as more of a compliment.[/indent] [center][hr][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6hsstZRSg1ra6o88o1_500.jpg[/img][hr][/center] [color=514229]•[/color] Biography: [indent]When Hayden was still in high school, he was quiet, shy, and a little odd. He didn't really talk to people, in fact, he hardly even had friends. He was seen every now and then with a small group of people, but he seemed to leave shortly after convorsation started. For that reason, he was picked on and bullied a lot. They made fun of him for not speaking, he even refused to retaliate. He just took it and continued on. While it hurt him, he learned exactly who he did not want to be. Only a year after high school, he got into a very horrific car accident. In the middle of a snow storm, a man slid down a steep hill that ended in a stop sign. He couldn't stop fast enough, slamming right into the side of Hayden's car. The man wound up flying out the windshield. The worst part was, though, that the window had shattered upon impact with Hayden's car. Since it was so cold, it was frozen, and the abrupt stop when hitting into another car, the majority of the glass broke. But the man flew through the already broken glass, his stomach getting caught on a piece of glass that happened to stay intact. While Hayden only suffered some scratches and bruises, he learned that the man had died. When he was shown the pictures of the accident, he was oddly intrigued. Not by the death, but by what that picture had captured. It was an image of what was only a few minutes after the intense moment, when things had calmed down enough for them to check it out. That's when he got into photography. He knew that by taking candid pictures, he could very well be taking the last picture of a person. Ever. 15 years after graduation, he got a letter inviting him to his class reunion. He didn't feel like going, he never knew many people anyway. But one name stood out. He recognized the name, but he couldn't remember why. He took out an old yearbook and found the woman who it belonged to. She might've been the most beautiful person he'd ever seen. He thought he was instantly in love. What he'd do for a partner like that, especially one so photo ready. She would be perfect to take pictures of. For that reason only, he decided to go. Little did he know, she was getting married soon. There was another picture in that book, though. The kid's face was oddly messed up, deformed. Hayden would've loved to take pictures if he was into photography back then. But all at once, he remembered what he'd done. He was having a bad day, and the kid, Jack, began to just talk to him. He blew up, simply wanting silence and peace, and one thing grew into another and he verbally beat the shit out of him. Now he felt bad, but he though nothing of it. He continued on, getting ready for the reunion.[/indent][/hider]