[hider=Myriam Lovelies][center][h1][color=fff79a]Myriam Riley Lovelies[/color][/h1][hr][hr] [IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6e/06/2e/6e062ea367a18dd890730d89d9d28e08.jpg[/IMG] "[i]I may have burnt the house down, but I made damn sure you were in it when I lit the match.[/i]" -[b]Juliette Barnes[/b][hr][hr] [color=fff79a][b]Name;[/b][/color] Myriam Riley Lovelies [color=fff79a][b]Nickname;[/b][/color] Myri; Riley; Riles - [i]just what people have decided to call her and she didn't complain[/i] Miram-Riley - [i]by her mother, which she dislikes[/i] [color=fff79a][b]Date of Birth;[/b][/color] 06/04/1994 [color=fff79a][b]Age;[/b][/color] 22 years [color=fff79a][b]Gender;[/b][/color] Female [color=fff79a][b]Sexuality;[/b][/color] Homosexual [color=fff79a][b]Relationship Status;[/b][/color] Single [color=fff79a][b]Sexually Active;[/b][/color] Whenever she feels like it; but honestly not too much at the moment [color=fff79a][b]Occupation;[/b][/color] Currently working at Starbucks [color=fff79a][b]Room Number;[/b][/color] Room 504 [hr][hr] [img]http://res.cloudinary.com/nylon/image/upload/t_featured_images-max,f_auto,fl_lossy,q_80/featured_images/attachments/000/017/432/emily-kinney.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [color=fff79a][b]In Depth Appearance;[/b][/color] Myriam stands at 5'4'' and weights 121 lbs. She isn't very strong and doesn't look it either. Her arms and legs are thin and some had told her she looked like she'd break if they'd grab her too roughly. Despite that, she is very tough and can take a lot; though it also easily shows on her skin since she bruises very quickly. She has natural blonde hair and likes to keep it long. Usually you will see her with either open hair or having it in a ponytail. Her eyes are blue-[i]green[/i], which she insist on because she wants to have green eyes, but most people just say her eyes are blue and she is imagining the green. Myriam's prefers her make-up rather simple, but sometimes will add a bright red to her lips when in the mood for it. Her clothes usually always seem kind of the same - a "cool" t-shirt, hot pants and either barefoot or in sneakers. On chillier days she will put on long jeans and when it gets really cold a cuddly hoodie is her preference. She doesn't like dressing in fancy dresses or skirts, but keeps a couple hidden in her closet in case she needs them or "accidentally" has one of these days where she needs a clothing-change. The girl has one single scar on her body, positioned at her lower back on the left side is a small 1,7-inches scar, a horizontal line slightly protruding in a white tone from her skin. She has both her ears pierced once and her belly button. Myriam also has a single tattoo, hidden on her right inner thigh that will only be revealed when her legs are parted. [hider=Tattoo][img]http://www.tattooshunter.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/cute-teddy-bear-with-butterfly-tattoo.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=fff79a][b]Habits | Oddities | Quirks;[/b][/color] Myriam loves her long nights out as much as she likes her long sleeps, which often causes her to sleep all day and be up all night. ~ She loves kittens and although she doesn't wanna be getting one herself, because that would ruin her badass image, she is totally weak for them. ~ She turns on the TV or video games the minute she wakes up and will only turn it off when she leaves the house or wants silence to sleep. [color=fff79a][b]Hobbies;[/b][/color] Gaming Horseback Riding Travelling [i](if only she had more money)[/i] [color=fff79a][b]Secrets;[/b][/color] She is a complete Harry Potter nerd and J.K Rowling is the only author she has ever read volunteeringly. ~ She loves music by Meghan Trainor and Demi Lovato. ~ Disney! And DreamWorks, but mostly Disney. Keeping her secret for the love of Disney is hard if it ever comes up in conversation, because she just has trouble not saying what she has on her mind, and when someone says something bad about Disney, she will most likely get angry at any other thing they do to cover up the real reason why she is so upset. And don't get her started on Frozen's queen Elsa. She owns a whole collection of children's movies, hidden and locked away in her room. The [i]only[/i] cupboard that is locked in her whole apartment. And she freaks out when someone wants to get behind the secret of it. [color=fff79a][b]Likes;[/b][/color] Turning her music on full volume Video Games Concerts Junk Food and Snacks Cuteness Glasses Football Season Heights Travelling Playing Games (Monopoly, Truth/Dare, Beerpong, Karaoke, Cards, [i]anything[/i] with interaction) [color=fff79a][b]Dislikes;[/b][/color] Being Woken Up The Color Pink Rejection Being Alone Her Last Name Drugs Cleaning Up Religions [color=fff79a][b]Fears;[/b][/color] Lighting - because she always hears how people got struck by it ~ Paranoia of someone she knows or herself getting cancer ~ Being the one getting dumped in a relationship [hr][hr] [img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/f781/th/pre/f/2013/309/3/c/emily_kinney_2013_shoot_by_coreyhayesphoto-d6t6qxx.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [color=fff79a][b]Personality;[/b][/color] [b]Positive Trait[/b] Myriam is an adventurous young woman, that loves to travel to new places and enjoys heights. She wants to go skydiving, jump off cliffs into the water, fly a plane herself - all that kind. She loves adrenaline, but she also thinks that safety comes first. As much as she likes any new adventure, if she considers it definitely not safe, she will not do it. She is very social and likes to interact with a lot of folks. Meeting new people is a treat to her and she enjoys seeing all those different personalities come together to form a group of friends. She easily talks and shares things with others, not being shy about speaking her mind and not afraid to talk in front of bigger groups. That also leads to her often saying silly things. [b]Negative Trait[/b] Myriam is still a teenager deep inside and doesn't like to act like a grown up. She enjoys having a lot of free time and therefore isn't interested in seeking a full-time job, even though it would pay her better. She spends most of her free time either gaming or interacting with someone else. Being alone is not her thing. School, work, responsibilities - all of those kinds are mood killers for her and she would avoid them as much as possible. She is rather impatient and lazy. Myriam is forgetful; she never turns off the lights and usually leaves her key at home 3 out of 5 times. That resulted into an annoyed roomate several times in her life. [color=fff79a][b]Place of Origin;[/b][/color] Germany, Hamburg [color=fff79a][b]History;[/b][/color] Myriam Lovelies' family is originally from the UK, her grandparents from her mother's side though travelled often to Germany with their daughter, Myriam's mother Abigail, and therefore Myriam's mother learnt how to speak German from her visits and her parents. Later her mother had decided to move to Germany and live there. She met a sweet guy and after a while got pregnant with her first child, a daughter she named Helena. The father didn't stay with them, but Abigail soon enough found a new lover and although that guy didn't stay with her either, she got her secend daughter from him, Myriam. 3 years apart in age, Myriam and her odler sister Helena had always had a heavy love/hate relationship, in which the hate mostly outweighed. At the age of 8, Helena being 11, their mother decided to move to the USA, Springfield, Illinois. Having a heavy German accent and knowing only so much of the English language from their mother's parents, the two girls had some trouble fitting in at first. But they learnt quickly and lost their accents rather soon than late. Myriam lived with her mother until she was 18, then she decided it was about time to get out of there and she flew straight over to New York City. Not really knowing what she wanted to do there, she only knew that she had always dreamt of living in the big city. Myriam has yet to figure out what she actually wants to do. [color=fff79a][b]Misc.;[/b][/color] Her favorite place to travel to would be Australia, she loves their accents and the weather over there. But really, anywhere is fine, travelling is just super nice! ~ Given that she lived in Germany and was born there, she speaks the language fluently. ~ She never learnt how to drive. ~ Myriam is able to ride any horse, as stubborn as they come. [/center][/hider] [hider=⚜ Myri's Relationships ⚜][center] [H1][color=fff79a]Myriam Riley Lovelies[/color][/H1] [img]http://i.perezhilton.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/walking-dead-beth-music-video.gif[/img] [color=fff79a]{[/color][i]"You have my heart. You are capable of destroying me."[/i][color=fff79a]}[/color] [color=orange]⚜[/color] Acquaintances || [color=white]☯[/color] Neutral || [color=green]☮[/color] Friends || [color=skyblue]♫[/color] Best Friends || [color=ff0000]♥[/color] Love Interest || [color=f49ac2]⚤[/color] Boyfriend/Girlfriend || [color=bc8dbf]☠[/color] Enemies[/center][hr][hr] [hider=Room 500] [img]http://k14.vcmedia.vn/k:MccccccccccccaYMWhz6P7e9N11CA/Image/2013/04/3131284660_1_6_es6iXlgE-56706/cac-chang-trai-usuk-so-huu-doi-mat-quyen-ru.gif[/img] | [color=686F91]L I A M . M A T T H E W S[/color] | Neutral [color=white]☯[/color] + [color=green]☮[/color] Friends "[i]The Sancho-boy![/i]" Myriam has a deep connection with Sancho, Liam's cat, and has a friendly relationship with the man ever since his cat sneaked out of the apartment and Myriam got introduced to it. She occasionally babysits the cat when Liam is away and busy. Funfact: Myriam is from Germany and likes to visit Australia. Liam is from Australia and wants to visit Germany. [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3cu9wq0Vi1qjji23.gif[/img] | [color=42c0c4]J O S E P H . R I P P L E[/color] | [color=white]☯[/color] Neutral [color=white]☯[/color] "[i]Oh you're that guy, right?[/i]" Myriam had heard of Joseph the first and only time when she read an article about him having beaten up his coworker. Not knowing that these rumors are not true, she keeps her distance to the guy and doesn't know anything about him.[/hider] [hider=Room 501] [img]https://s32.postimg.org/s0ls5o1cl/Untitled_3.gif[/img] | [color=FFBF87]I D A . M E R C A D O[/color] | [color=orange]⚜[/color] Friendly [color=orange]⚜[/color] "[i]Tea, right? Awesome.[/i]" Ida visits the Starbucks Myriam works at daily and always orders a specific tea flavor depending on the time of the week. That cought Myriam's attention and amused her slightly. She enjoys seeing her at her work place and is friendly with her whenever they meet. But she doesn't really know much about Ida besides her love for tea. | [color=???]F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship.[/hider] [hider=Room 502] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/WUHvHQFlE514c/giphy.gif[/img] | [color=#AD9DAD]Z A H R A . H E A V E N[/color] | [color=white]☯[/color] Neutral [color=white]☯[/color] "[i]Ain't she the singer in the house?[/i]" No relationship discussed. | [color=f26522]M I N G - L O N . L E E[/color] | [color=white]☯[/color] Neutral [color=white]☯[/color] "[i]Who?[/i]" No relationship discussed.[/hider] [hider=Room 503] [IMG]http://65.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md5fjyEbzb1qde800o1_500.gif[/IMG] | [color=DED16A]R O X A N N E . D E B O S E[/color] | [color=white]☯[/color] Neutral [color=white]☯[/color] "[i]I love her name.[/i]" No relationship discussed. [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/889233b59efa0fa4674c050b4162067f/tumblr_mi6ev6lJIX1r1shx8o2_500.gif[/img] | [color=a0410d]R Y A N . S T I L L M E N[/color] | [color=green]☮[/color] Friends [color=green]☮[/color] "[i]He's a cool friend of mine. Music and gaming whenever we meet.[/i]" Myriam met Ryan at a party accidentally and recognized him as her neighbour. They got into conversation and soon landed on the topic of the awful music at the place. Making fun of it, they set the beginning for a friendly connection. Talking about msuic whenever they met in the elevator or on the hallway, mostly beginning their conversations with a "hey you need to check this out", they became friends soon. After meeting a couple of times at either of their places, they realized they shared a liking in gaming. Now their friendship has grown into a fun and light relationship, having a gaming partner in each other.[/hider] [hider=Room 504] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/00cddcc8361825dca190af4b810ea082/tumblr_ngleb2SnaS1ru34cuo5_250.gif[/img] | [color=fff79a]M Y R I A M . L O V E L I E S[/color] | ☯ Neutral ☯ "[i]I don't know what this bitch is thinking - oh wait I do. Pizza and games all day![/i]" Myriam is on good terms with herself. Mostly she knows what she wants and appreciates that about herself. Though she has no future plans and doesn't mind it. | [color=LightCoral]K R Y S T A L . F O X[/color] | [color=skyblue]♫[/color] Best Friend [color=skyblue]♫[/color] & secret Love [color=ff0000]♥[/color] Interest "[i]This girl is so different than me. Yet it seems to work perfectly with her as my friend and roomate. I am glad she's here and damn not bad looking either.[/i]" Myriam first met Krystal online when searching for a new roomate for her apartment after the old one had decided to move out. It was clear from the start that these two were getting along and they quickly became dear friends. Myriam's physical interest on Krystal hit her slightly before the romantic one slided along as well. Feeling a deep connection to her, Myriam has yet to learn that she is in love with her friend.[/hider] [hider=Room 505] | [color=39b54a]A R C H E R . L O N G F E L L O W[/color] | //dropped out// "[i]...[/i]" In depth description of relationship. | [color=???]F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship.[/hider] [hider=Room 506] [IMG]http://67.media.tumblr.com/54363c0d5c60356decb94f75e8b29c1f/tumblr_n17ov95hE11ridkjdo2_500.gif[/IMG] | [color=AFEEEE]T H E R E S A . S P A R K S[/color] | //dropped out// "[i]...[/i]" In depth description of relationship. [img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/a520d6f68120dfa9497638eb7a8611fa/tumblr_nhnb6awk1q1qe2tkjo3_250.gif[/img] | [color=lightpink]B O R A . P A R K[/color] | [color=white]☯[/color] Neutral [color=white]☯[/color] "[i]She is super cute. I hope we can talk some more.[/i]" No relationship discussed.[/hider] [hider=Room 507] [hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/KvkbpJj.gif[/img] | [color=mediumspringgreen]C A M E R O N . T E A F L O W E R[/color] | [color=skyblue]♫[/color] Best Friend [color=skyblue]♫[/color] "[i]He's all a woman can ask for. Step aside ladies and gents, because this one is mine![/i]" Cameron is Myriam's best friend. They share secrets and mostly all things. He is the only one that Myriam likes to talk emotionally with, sometimes, maybe. Cam is also the only one that knows about her deep hidden love for Disney movies. They share a deep bond. Sidenote: She's really fond of his chocolate skin. | [color=???]F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship.[/hider] [hider=Room 508] | [color=#9e5f5f]A T S U K O . H A R T L E Y[/color] | [color=white]☯[/color] Neutral [color=white]☯[/color] "[i]I don't know who that is. But maybe we can change that.[/i]" No relationship discussed. [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/29a05c164096cc0fe0e8dfa2e0fb1f8d/tumblr_inline_o5dy8s3nOx1rifr4k_500.gif[/img] | [color=#CB99C9]R Y D E R . T A L E V O S E[/color] | [color=green]☮[/color] Friends [color=green]☮[/color] "[i]Come over and party with me guurl.[/i]" Myriam loves to invite her to parties and drag her along to all kind of gatherings. They are pretty good friends. She is really fond of the girl and likes to risk a look at her body features. Myriam would definitely jump into bed with her, to be honest.[/hider] [hider=Room 509] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/9ac335a207f4e7af6a55b38229061ebc/tumblr_inline_mz2kxtfV4b1rt2432.gif[/img] | [color=deepskyblue]R E E D . R I L E Y[/color] | [color=white]☯[/color] Neutral [color=white]☯[/color] "[i]Maybe if you'd talk to me, I'd make friends with you.[/i]" No relationship discussed. [img]http://i1218.photobucket.com/albums/dd416/yulinged30/1982750233_ffdb36ab_zps46471f45.gif[/img] | [color=fff200]M I N - K Y U . L E E[/color] | [color=white]☯[/color] Neutral [color=white]☯[/color] "[i]He hangs with Ryder. Mmh I really like Ryder, so for her sake I hope we can get friendly with each other at least a little.[/i]" Myriam only knows Leo because of them both being friends to Ryder. She has the feeling he has something against her, but he hasn't said anything yet nor made an impolite move or anything. So she hopes they can get along for Ryder's sake. Mostly because she is afraid that Ryder will take his side if there should really develop an argument or something.[/hider][/hider]