[b]Nation Name:[/b] Imperial Republic of Fuso [b]Head of State:[/b] Emperor Shitatsu Shoa & Prime Minister Anakogaji Yonban [b]Demonym:[/b] Fusan [b]Brief Description:[/b] A blend of tradition and progress, Fuso occupies a very unique niche in the world as its not considered a fully modernized nation like some other but is certainly not lacking in the industrialization compartment. Its status as an Imperial Republic means that while there is a divine head of state, there is also an elected official and even though the Imperial family has limited power in government, their word carries much sway in the minds of the people. Fuso is something of a childish nation, one who has longed to prove itself on the world stage and this newest war might give them their chance, before they realize what a world war really entails.