[center][h1][color=silver]Jessica Sterling[/color][/h1] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/d6ae7ff357dbb90169498a72e65a9420/tumblr_inline_o5qzimMgIm1rmbum0_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Roof Top → [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] No One [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Groggy → Thankful → Tired [/center] Light crept into the corners of Jessica's vision. Her head felt like there was a jackhammer inside of it. The heroine's stomach churned, threatening to spill what little she'd eaten all over the floor. Sterling's hazel eyes flickered open. There was another student leaning over her, shaking her shoulder. His mouth was moving, but no sound was coming out. Jess swung her head back and forth in an attempt to clear it. At first, all she could hear was ringing. But as her hearing started to clear, Jessica caught the tail end of whatever the stranger was saying to her. "-ake up." He repeated. She slapped his hand away with more force than she intended, causing him to wince in pain. [color=silver]"Sorry."[/color] She muttered. Her voice was groggy and slurred, as if she was underwater. "You missed the party." The boy grinned, pulling Jess to her feet. Sterling stumbled forward but he managed to catch her before she could fall. Everything after helping Eliana had been a blur. She remembered taking a drink of the punch...But it hadn't tasted right. [i][color=silver]Was it spiked?[/color][/i] She briefly wondered. But that didn't make sense. Plenty of other people had been downing the punch when she arrived earlier, and no one else had passed out. At least, she hadn't [i]seen[/i] anyone drop. "Looks like you had a little too much to drink." Another voice, this one more feminine, spoke from beside Jess. [color=silver]"I-I guess..But- I didn't have any beer. And I only had one punc-"[/color] "Shhh. Dawn, would you be and dear and get the door?" The man asked his sister and Jess went silent. "You've had too much to drink." He repeated. [color=silver]"Y-you're probably right. I guess I blacked out. I should be getting back to my dorm. It's late."[/color] Dawn returned to Jess's side and the two students each put an arm around Jessica, leading her down the stairs. "Where do you live?" The woman asked. [color=silver]"Uh, Mayweather Old West. Room 1C on the first floor. T-Thanks for helping me. Uh, I don't think..I know you.."[/color] At this point, the two of them were practically carrying Jessica. She couldn't stand up straight, led alone walk. "My name's Dawn. And this is Clark." Their names sounded strangely familiar. Yet she couldn't put a finger on who they actually were. She mentally shrugged, allowing her fellow students to drag her back home. The sweet embrace of sleep slowly edged further into her distracted mind. She was glad she'd been found by such nice people. Jess shuddered at the thought of a Delphina finding her in such a vulnerable position. A month ago, Sterling could've fallen asleep anywhere on campus and had nothing to fear; after all, she was surrounded by aspiring heroes and selfless do-gooders. But now that those villain freaks were running around her school, Jess would need to learn to be more careful. No more long nights out. And certainly no more drinking until she dropped. The three of them stopped as they arrived at Jess's dorm room, soaking wet from the rain. Sterling reached a shaky hand into her pocket and pulled out a key chain. "Here-" Dawn took the key from her and slid it into the locked door, pushing it open. "-you were holding it upside down." She explained. The two led Jessica to her destroyed bed and set her down beside it. They shared confused glances. "Um. What happened?" Clark asked. Jessica dragged the mattress clear of the rest of the bed frame, tossing it down in the middle of the room. [color=silver]"Lucas Farweight happened."[/color] She growled, falling face first into the soft fabric of her blankets. Dawn took a tentative seat next to Jessica and placed a hand on her back. "Before we go, I think you're entitled to know what happened before you...passed out. Farweight and Lovelace got into it. There was a lot of yelling...Both of them stormed off and disappeared. It was bad." "That wasn't even the highlight of the night." Clark jumped in. By now, Jessica had rolled over and been listening rather intently. "Gianna Daniels went after Samantha. Not with her fists, of course. She's too much of a coward for that. No, Daniels went after Youngblood's soul. Suffice to say, that rain pouring out there isn't natural." Jess placed a tired hand on her forehead, sighing. [color=silver]"I'll deal with it in the morning."[/color] She declared. "If you would be a dear and meet the two of us in the cafeteria tomorrow for lunch, we know just how to knock Delphina's queen down a few notches." Clark's voice was seasoned with malice when he spoke of that she devil. "Come on, Dawn. Let's leave the lovely lady to her rest." With that, Jessica's heroes melted into the night. And she was alone once more.