[hider=Joseph Ripple][center][h1][color=42c0c4]Joseph Ripple[/color][/h1] [img]http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/13000000/aaron-aaron-johnson-13096957-353-480.jpg[/img] [b]{[/b]"[i]There's a drive in me that won't allow me to do certain things that are easy.[/i]"[b]}[/b] -[b]Johnny Depp[/b][hr][hr][/center] [color=42c0c4][b]Name:[/b][/color] Joseph Edward Ripple [color=42c0c4][b]Nickname:[/b][/color] Sometimes, since his name is Joseph, people just call him Joe. Most Josaphs do like that, but this one doesn't. He thinks that he should use the full name he was born with. [color=42c0c4][b]Date of Birth:[/b][/color] 5/17/1991 [color=42c0c4][b]Age:[/b][/color] 26 years of age. [color=42c0c4][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=42c0c4][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] Heterosexual [color=42c0c4][b]Relationship Status:[/b][/color] Single [color=42c0c4][b]Sexually Active;[/b][/color] Yes [color=42c0c4][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] Joseph is an actor that was recently sued. He lost most of his money, having to resort to an appartment. [color=42c0c4][b]Room Number:[/b][/color] Room 500 [color=42c0c4][b]In Depth Appearance:[/b][/color] Joseph is slightly taller than the average person, but his hair might count for a bit of that. His reddish brown hair comes off his head a small bit, but would definately add to his height. It's usually pretty curly, but sometimes he'll calm it down a little and do something else with it. His hair also brings out his ocean blue eyes quite nicely, his eyes being one of the first things people tend to notice. He typically wears nicer clothing, vests being one of his favorites. And that's not just for formal events, no. He'll wear them around the house, going shopping, just about anything. For the important events that he goes to, he usually resorts to a normal grey suit or something of the like. When he's feeling particularily lazy, he may throw on a flannel, sweater, or something else comfortable. He refuses to wear shorts, even for movie roles. Instead, he goes for either slim, black or blue jeans. One of his favorite things, however, are hats. Anything odd, no baseball caps. But fedoras and such, they are his favorite thing in the world. He could never go without them. [color=42c0c4][b]Habits | Oddities | Quirks;[/b][/color] Habits: Joseph is a nail biter. Yeah, yeah, he knows it's bad for you, but he can't really help it, now. It's become almost a dependance when he's on edge. When he's in a good mood, though, he seems to hum and snap his fingers a lot. He's a very pleasant person, when he's in a good mood. Oddities and Quirks: Joseph has a tendancy to constantly find change in his pockets. He never really knows where it comes from, but it's helped him out of a pickle, so he won't complain. When he stands still, he finds himself rocking side to side. He also has no idea why he does this, but it's calming. Also, when he's working on acting for a character, he likes to live like that character would. If the guy's a crazy person, he'd act much more risky and strange. If he were a nice person, he'd act just like that, nicer than usual. [color=42c0c4][b]Hobbies;[/b][/color] Joseph has always been an actor, both on stage, and in movies. While he's never been in anything extrememly big, he's been found in many smaller movies. That being said, you'll even still find him in plays, this time in bigger productions. He's also big into music, always having some earbuds around, whether that be in his pocket of around his neck. He's dabbled in singing. [color=42c0c4][b]Secrets:[/b][/color] He was sent to juvy when he was fifteen. The whole story is unknown, even he has forgotten bits and pieces, but he does remember some. He'd been with some friends, and they decided it'd be fun to drive around one of their parents' cars. Well, needless to say, they didn't know how to drive, and they wound up getting into an accident. He drove it head on into another car, killing the driver. While him and his friends were alright, he shooed his friends away and took the blame for himself. It was his fault, of course, but the other kids probably shouldn't have been with him. He was treated poorly in juvy, but he learned his lesson. There's also the story about him being sued. Rumors say that he beat a man half to death for no reason, must have mental issues or something. But the true story never got out into anybody's minds. In reality, a coworker had him by the neck, trying to steal from him, money or something. Joseph isn't one to just let things like that happen, so he struggled out of his grip and beat the living shit out of him. He's ok, he's not dead or anything. But he'll definately have some perminant scars. He's never done anything like that before, he was afraid for his life. But as I said, nobody actually knows the truth. He's tried to explain, but nobody ever listens. [color=42c0c4][b]Likes:[/b][/color] +Acting +Listening to music +Singing +Whistling +Money +Attention (Though after being sued, he's change a lot. In fact, now he'd rather not be given much attention at all) +Listeners +Coffee +Light rain [color=42c0c4][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] -Jumping to conclusions -Arrogance -Tea -Thunder -Lightening -Complete silence -Drugs (He's tried them, but just can't stand them) [color=42c0c4][b]Fears:[/b][/color] The fear of completely losing his job is very strong. He thinks that he was born for acting, and if it's taken away forever, he may not be able to deal with it. The fact that he's lost many job opportunities due to his recent legal issues only adds to this. He is also afraid of being attacked, both verbally and physically. The way he handled it when it happened has him afraid that he may snap again. All in all, he's afraid of losing himself, who he is. [color=42c0c4][b]Personality;[/b][/color] [b]Easygoing[/b] - Joseph is a generally cool and easygoing person. He's always down to relax, but he also enjoys being active and doing things. People who know him say that he can definately party hard, but he also knows when to calm down and cool it. He's been known for denying any form of drugs at parties though. He's explained to many people that he does not think they enhance fun at all, they just make you feel horrible the day after. Alcohol, on the other hand, is not a problem for him. He can't even explain why it's better than drugs, considering that he's had his fair share of hangovers. [b]Considerate[/b] - Joseph doesn't often do things without thinking about the people around him. If he's going to go partying, he has to have a list of everybody who will be going, checking what he can and can't do. He's very good at holding back parts of himself that may make others feel uncomfortable, being an actor and all. Acting certainly has it's benefits. [b]Quickly Aggrivated[/b] - He gets angry and annoyed very fast. When people start to act stupid, are selfish, or anything in between, he's had enough. He's also not afraid to say so, often asking people to leave if they get out of hand. He frequently tells peoples things like "Alright, alright, settle down now." or "Ok, relax a little, eh?". [b]Awkward[/b] - He's not exactly the most open person, especially when it comes to talking about his career. He has a hard time talking about himself, too, because sometimes he doesn't quite know who he is. He gets lost, mostly because he plays so many characters and sometimes even permenantly takes on a trait of that character. He doesn't really mean to, of course, but it's also a sign that he's good at his job. [color=42c0c4][b]Place of Origin:[/b][/color] Native to New York, New York. [color=42c0c4][b]History:[/b][/color] Ever since he was a little kid, Joseph has always been interested in acting. He was in little kids plays, often taking on a large role, and even was put into some larger productions, playing a kid, obviously. He grew up with parents who significantly supported his plans. Actually, they were failed actors, so the fact that he was getting deals as big as they were was quite exciting for them. Something to give them closure, knowing that somewhere down the road, their family had done it. Just after he'd gotten a big deal, he and his friends got into a bad car accident. They crashed head on into another car, killing the driver. While he did take the blame, he regretted it once he was sent to juvy. He was there for three years, got out a little early for good behavior. He knew that he'd messed up big, and was thankful that it didn't affect his acting as much as it could've. He even kept practicing while he was in juvy, ignoring the other kids who made fun of him. He would use the books to come up with characters to play, and become immersed in them within his cell. When he got out, he set on a mission to take on his dreams again. He fought long and hard for a deal in a smaller movie, eventually getting the part. The movie bombed, but he was paid pretty well. With the money he'd made, he invested in making himself look the part. A year after his first movie, he got another opportunity. This movie, much unlike his first, took off in the theaters. He made tons of money, and his role as a small supporting character landed him bigger roles in the near future. He was never a lead, but he was given some bigger supporting characters. In his latest movie, he was attacked and eventually sued for fighting back. While he doesn't understand how his story was unbelievable, he had his upcoming roles taken away. Nobody wanted to deal with a man who "beat his coworkers". He had most of his money taken away, but still had enough to pay rent. This brought him the idea of staying in an apartment, still in the city, where he could practice and become better. Maybe he'd become so good, people would ignore his past. [color=42c0c4][b]Misc.:[/b][/color] His parents are very clingy, always wanting to know what he's up to next. He's lied the past few times they'd called, saying he's gotten a few roles. Unfortunately, he's gotten none. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg_Eel8atHg]Theme Song[/url] [/hider] [hider=Joseph Ripple's Relationships][center] [h1][color=42c0c4]Joseph Ripple[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3cu9wq0Vi1qjji23.gif[/img] [color=42c0c4]{[/color][i]"There's a drive in me that won't allow me to do certain things that are easy."[/i][color=42c0c4]}[/color] [color=c23023]⚜[/color] Acquaintances || [color=white]☯[/color] Neutral || [color=215435]☮[/color] Friends || [color=0050cc]♫[/color] Best Friends || [color=ff0000]♥[/color] Love Interest || [color=800800]⚤[/color] Boyfriend/Girlfriend || [color=black]☠[/color] Enemies[/center][hr][hr] [hider=Room 500] | [color=686F91]L I A M . M A T T H E W S[/color] | {[color=215435]☮[/color]} "[i]Oh yeah, he's my rommate. I like him, he's pretty cool. Certainly likes to ask his questions, though. Guess that's what I should expect, considering where he works.[/i]" Joseph likes Liam, he thinks they'll get along very well. He's very glad that of all people, he's his roommate. He likes the fact that despite all the rumors about him, he's willing to share a room with him anyway. | [color=42c0c4]J O S E P H . R I P P L E[/color] | {[color=white]☯[/color]} "[i]Meh, he's alright.[/i]" Joseph isn't completely happy with who he is, but he knows it's better than a lot of things.[/hider] [hider=Room 501] | F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship. | F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship.[/hider] [hider=Room 502] | [color=#AD9DAD]Z A H R A . H E A V E N[/color] | {[color=white]☯[/color]} "[i]Her, I've seen her around before. She's the one who's in all those musicals, right? She seems pretty nice, wouldn't mind talking to her.[/i]" Joseph thinks she's pretty cool, a nice person. He's glad that he's not the only one who appreciates the art of acting enough to actually participate in it. Sure, she seems to be doing it mostly for the singing opportunity, but she still is acting. | [color=f26522]M I N G - L O N . L E E[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship.[/hider] [hider=Room 503] | [color=DED16A]R O X A N N E . D E B O S E[/color] | {[color=white]☯[/color]} "[i]I've seen her around, she seems pretty nice. Wouldn't mind talking to her some more.[/i]" Joseph likes her, but hasn't spoken with her all that much. He wouldn't mind talking to her a little more, he's actually rather curious about her passion for singing. | [color=a0410d]R Y A N . S T I L L M E N[/color] | {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} "[i]Huh, him. Not his biggest fan, he seems to have to always be in control. I s'pose I'd have to speak with him more to get a better idea, but as of now I don't like him too much.[/i]" Joseph doesn't like the fact that Ryan has to always be in control. Being more of an easygoing guy, he has a hard time dealing with people like that. He gets the idea that they won't get along very well, but anticipates the day that he finds out.[/hider] [hider=Room 504] | [color=fff79a]M Y R I A M . L O V E L I E S[/color] | {[color=white]☯[/color]} "[i]I've seen her around a few times, she's pretty nice. But something's a little off, though. Must've heard the rumors, kind of a shame. Maybe we'll talk about it some time, maybe not, we'll see.[/i]" Joseph thinks she's a very interesting person, but gets the feeling she keeps away from him. He's used to it by now, so he's not all that affected, but wouldn't mind clearing that up at some point. Whether or not she were to believe him, though, is beyond his knowledge. | [color=LightCoral]K R Y S T A L . F O X[/color] | {[color=white]☯[/color]} "[i]I'm not totally sure who that is, to be honest. Rings a bell, I might be able to point her out if I saw her, but that's pretty much it.[/i]" Joseph is not too familiar with her, seeing her maybe once before. When he hears her name, he thinks books. Perhaps she works at the book store, a library, something like that? He doesn't quite remember.[/hider] [hider=Room 505] | [color=39b54a]A R C H E R . L O N G F E L L O W[/color] | {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} "[i]I'll be totally honest with you, he's pretty intimidating. He's got such a high ranking, I'm not quite sure I want him to know my story. Pff, everybody probably does by now, but I'd like to think he doesn't...[/i]" Joseph is a little afraid of Archer, mostly because of his high rank. He's noticed that he seems like a nice guy, but he's not one to assume things. If he does speak with him, however, he probably won't try to show any sign of him being intimidated. | F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship.[/hider] [hider=Room 506] | [color=AFEEEE]T H E R E S A . S P A R K S[/color] | {[color=0050cc]♫[/color]} "[i]She's great, we're really good friends! Not totally sure what it was, but we just sorta... clicked, ya know? I'm really glad she's my neighbor, means I get to spend more time with her. I mean, she's not hard to look at either, so that's a plus.[/i]" Joseph really enjoys her company, he understands a lot more about her than some other people. She seems to understand him more, too, and he's glad to have somebody he can talk to about anything at all. He thinks she's a really nice person and, while she may not be the biggest fan of talking, she's a great listener. | [color=lightpink]B O R A . P A R K[/color] | {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} "[i]I dunno, I don't think I like her to be honest. This is gonna be really hypocritical, I know, but I just don't like how quickly she's angered. I swear, if I see the Hulk roaming around, I know exactly who it is.[/i]" Joseph doesn't like her, mostly for her temper. While he gets annoyed and aggravated easily, she seems to be the first one to get angry in many situations. He knows that if he absolutely had to, he could tollerate her for a while, but for the most part, he doesn't like her.[/hider] [hider=Room 507] | F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship. | F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship.[/hider] [hider=Room 508] | [color=#9e5f5f]A T S U K O . H A R T L E Y[/color] | {[color=215435]☮[/color]} "[i]I know her, she works at the cafe. I actually see her there fairly often, she's a nice gal. Fun to talk to.[/i]" Joseph goes to the cafe that Atsuko works at quite often, loving coffee as much as he does. He sees her there all the time, they've gotten to talking, and he gets along pretty well with her. Enjoys talking to her, so he thinks it's cool that she's his neighbor. | F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship.[/hider] [hider=Room 509] | [color=deepskyblue]R E E D . R I L E Y[/color] | {[color=white]☯[/color]} "[i]Yeah, I know him. He mentioned being an actor, I can dig that. I'm sure we'll be pretty good friends.[/i]" Joseph likes the idea of being neighbors with a fellow actor. He actually seems to remember him from somewhere, maybe they've been in a smaller movie or something together? He doesn't really remember. | F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship. [/hider][/hider]