[quote=@Lauder] [b]Nation Name:[/b] The Holy Empire of Saurilia [b]Head of State:[/b] King Alister Graham V [b]Demonym:[/b] Saurilian [b]Brief Description:[/b] The Great Empire has been one that has stayed around for much longer than most, starting over five-hundred years ago. They believe that the royal family are to be demigods sent from the heavens by God to guide humanity into a new age. Anyone who says otherwise is commonly labelled a heretic and a crusade can be called into action, only if the King wills it. So far, they only see themselves as the most righteous nation of the world and they wish to spread their religion to those who are willing. [/quote] Accepted, so long this ideology is moderated. In the 20th century, religion's hold is mostly symbolic and calling up jihads or executing people for apostasy would be considered a bit medieval. [quote=@AmongHeroes] [b]Nation Name:[/b] The Republic of Thuria. [b]Head of State:[/b] Prime Minister Lawrence Garby. [b]Denonym:[/b] Thurian. [b]Brief Description:[/b] Thuria is a relatively new parliamentary democracy, having originally been founded from a loose colony of privateers, pirates, and political outcasts in the early 1800's. Thurian's value individual freedom highly, and are distrusting of the accumulation of centralized power. While this lends itself well to an industrious spirit, and a strong bent of patriotism, involvement in foreign affairs is frowned upon. Thuria is a reluctant actor in The War, and their interest is generally limited to furthering their own station within the world, and nothing more. [/quote] Dope. Accepted. [quote=@ClocktowerEchos] [b]Nation Name:[/b] Imperial Republic of Fuso [b]Head of State:[/b] Emperor Shitatsu Shoa & Prime Minister Anakogaji Yonban [b]Demonym:[/b] Fusan [b]Brief Description:[/b] A blend of tradition and progress, Fuso occupies a very unique niche in the world as its not considered a fully modernized nation like some other but is certainly not lacking in the industrialization compartment. Its status as an Imperial Republic means that while there is a divine head of state, there is also an elected official and even though the Imperial family has limited power in government, their word carries much sway in the minds of the people. Fuso is something of a childish nation, one who has longed to prove itself on the world stage and this newest war might give them their chance, before they realize what a world war really entails. [/quote] Excellent. Nice to have you on board, Clock.