[hider=Ming-Lon "Daniel" Lee] [center][h1][/h1] [IMG]http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31500000/Jiyong-kwon-jiyong-31583917-549-720.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b]{[/b]"[i]Not all those who wander are lost;[/i]"[b]}[/b] -[b]J.R.R. Tolkien[/b][ hr][ hr] [color=f26522][b]Name;[/b][/color] Ming-Lon "Daniel" Lee [color=f26522][b]Nickname[/b][/color] Dan, Danny, or any other short form of Daniel since his traditional name is quite hard to pronounce. [color=f26522][b]Date of Birth;[/b][/color] May 5th, 1990 [color=f26522][b]Age;[/b][/color] 26 [color=f26522][b]Gender;[/b][/color] Male [color=f26522][b]Sexuality;[/b][/color] Heterosexual [color=f26522][b]Relationship Status;[/b][/color] Single [color=f26522][b]Sexually Active;[/b][/color] Yes, but being new to the city, he isn't. [color=f26522][b]Occupation;[/b][/color] Sports writer for the local paper [color=f26522][b]Room Number;[/b][/color] 502 [color=f26522][b]In Depth Appearance;[/b][/color] He does not have any piercings. His hair is, currently, kept short and black in color. However this changes often. He does have a few tattoos, but those are for you to find ;). Standing about about 5'10", he isn't exactly tall nor is he short. Athletically built, he is leaning on the more slender side of that spectrum. His sense of fashion is closer to business casual. He usually wears a comfortable t-shirt with a tailored blazer. Dark jeans and a pair of oxfords are his usual choice. On occasion, he will wear chinos or khaki shorts and other articles of clothing to match the occasion. [color=f26522][b]Habits | Oddities | Quirks;[/b][/color] Due to his line of work, he checks his phone for sports updates more often than necessary. One of his bad habits is is plays with his hair when he is nervous. An occasional smoker, one can find him at the local cigar lounge from time to time. He also will no turn down a drink, though he prefers a nice glass of scotch. One quirk of his is the fact that he keeps the exterior and interior of his car nearly spotless. Always filled with a light scent of Acqua di Gio. However, the same cannot be said of his dwelling. He is not necessarily messy, he just keeps his car that much cleaner. [color=f26522][b]Hobbies;[/b][/color] -Food. He loves food of all types and is willing to try just about anything. However, Bear Grylls will not be a dinner companion of his anytime soon... -Sport. He has always loved sports. Played some when he was younger. When his playing days ended, he got himself into journalism, sport journalism specifically, to stay in the field. -Music. He is no singer, and he does not have any instrumental talent. However, he does appreciate music of all types, ranging from Hip Hop, C-Pop, K-Pop, to Jazz and Rock. [color=f26522][b]Secrets;[/b][/color] -He is a trained assassin. No, he isn't. But he is trained in firearms along with various martial arts. He doesn't tell anyone about this and only the closest friends know that he keeps a clean glock on his person at all times. Yes, he is licensed to carry said firearm. -He secretly is the heir to a massive fortune from his family. Not even his closest friends know about this. Beside, without this, who can really afford an apartment and a car in New York anyways... [color=f26522][b]Likes;[/b][/color] -Spicy Food -Aged single malt scotch -Sports -Action movies -Writing -Spending a rainy afternoon on his couch, cozied up with someone -Animals, dogs and cats mostly -Game of Thrones [color=f26522][b]Dislikes;[/b][/color] -Losing, in the sports sense -Bland food -Being too busy -Traffic -Pretentious attitude -A weak drink -Scary movies, though he secretly loves watching them [color=f26522][b]Fears;[/b][/color] -Losing his loved ones -The dark, seriously. [color=f26522][b]Personality;[/b][/color] [b]Positive Trait[/b] -Daniel is very kind. He looks out for others before he looks to take care of himself. Oftentimes he gets hurt because of this fact. He isn't exactly gullible. But he has a hard time saying no to people who ask. He is also very genuine. He makes a promise, he keeps it. -Daniel is very faithful. To those who he have committed to, he will remain so. His last relationship lasted 4 years. In those years, he remained faithful to the woman who he thought was the one. However, the same cannot be said about her. He discovered her exploits and confronted her about it. Through arguments, then pleads, he took her back. Not before long, she was back to her ways, and yet again he forgave her. The third time however, was the last straw. She struck up a relationship with his best friend at the time. Needless to say, neither of them are in his life anymore... [b]Negative Trait[/b] -Daniel is quite impatient. He understands the old adage of 'Patient is a virtue'. However, when he needs or wants something, he expects them to be brought to him, or made available, as efficiently as possible. -Daniel, though not outwardly rich, can be a bit frivolous with his spending at times. Coming from a background where money was in no short supply, he has grown fond to the better things in life. His parents, who came from nothing, instilled a sense of frugality in him. He has taken it to heart but he has bout of frivolous spending from time to time. One can see this from his odd collections of things in his apartment... [color=f26522][b]Place of Origin;[/b][/color] United States, Minnesota, Minneapolis [color=f26522][b]History;[/b][/color] Growing up in the Midwest, Daniel had the quintessential American childhood, except one thing. He was adopted. However, that fact did not hinder his formative years. He went through the public schooling system, growing up with the same group of friends throughout the years. Playing sports, chasing girls, all the while making sure his grades where in order. Through his parents, he learned how to do business. How to do business [i]shrewdly[/i]. However, that was not where his heart was. He loved sports. His parents did not. They saw sports as nothing more than a hobby one used to pass the time. They tried to get their son into the same line of business as they were, and he refused. Bearing the love for their son, his parents let him be and set him on the right course to be successful in whichever field he so choose. He choose journalism. Deciding on attending Syracuse University, he packed his bags and his parents sent him on his way. After graduating with a masters in journalism, he sought out the numerous opportunities in New York, landing a junior staff writing gig at the local newspaper covering the more obscure sports. That brought him to where he is now... [color=f26522][b]Misc.;[/b][/color] -He loves to travel. He really wants to visit Asia as that is his birthplace -He speaks fluent mandarin and Taiwanese. It was his parent's native tongue and they made sure he spoke it as well [/hider] [hider=My Hider] [center][H1][color=f26522]Ming-Lon "Daniel" Lee[/color][/H1][/center] [color=f26522]{[/color][i]"To keep it one hundred, I ain't no saint"[/i][color=f26522]}[/color] [color=c23023]⚜[/color] Acquaintances || [color=white]☯[/color] Neutral || [color=215435]☮[/color] Friends || [color=0050cc]♫[/color] Best Friends || [color=ff0000]♥[/color] Love Interest || [color=800800]⚤[/color] Boyfriend/Girlfriend || [color=black]☠[/color] Enemies[/center][ hr][ hr] [hider=Room 500] | [color=686F91]L I A M . M A T T H E W S[/color] | [color=c23023]⚜[/color] Acquaintances "Eh, he is just another guy that lives here I suppose..." Daniel and Liam are, at best, acquaintances. They've met, they've greeted each other, and that is about it. | [color=42c0c4]J O S E P H . R I P P L E[/color] |[color=c23023]⚜[/color] Acquaintances "He is Liam's roommate, right?" The relationship between Joseph and Daniel are similar to that of Daniel and Liam. They've met, thats about it really. However, Daniel thinks that Joseph reads his articles from time to time...[/hider] [hider=Room 501] | [color=???]F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship. | [color=???]F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship.[/hider] [hider=Room 502] | [color=#AD9DAD]Z A H R A . H E A V E N[/color] | [color=215435]☮[/color] Friends "Roomies4Lyfe~" Daniel and Zay get along very well. They're good friends with plenty of things in common. Their love for action movies and all things animal keeps their relationship healthy. Of course, Daniel's love for sports goes over her head, most of the time. [/hider] [hider=Room 503] | [color=DED16A]R O X A N N E . D E B O S E[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship. | [color=a0410d]R Y A N . S T I L L M E N[/color] | [color=215435]☮[/color] Friends "He is a cool dude, I think..." Another acquaintance of Daniel's. They don't have a whole lot in common but they get along well enough to not have any kind of animosity...[/hider] [hider=Room 504] | [color=fff79a]M Y R I A M . L O V E L I E S[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship. | [color=LightCoral]K R Y S T A L . F O X[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship.[/hider] [hider=Room 505] | [color=39b54a]A R C H E R . L O N G F E L L O W[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship. | [color=???]F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship.[/hider] [hider=Room 506] | [color=AFEEEE]T H E R E S A . S P A R K S[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship. | [color=lightpink]B O R A . P A R K[/color] |[color=ff0000]♥[/color] Love Interest "Bora? Oh yeah. She is the daughter of the Parks. We would all go out to different events when I was younger. I've always remembered her being kind of shy, not talking a whole lot around me. But, I guess that comes with being a few years younger than someone..." Daniel knew Bora growing up. Their family were close friends and thus they grew up as friends. Being the older one, Daniel never thought much of Bora besides her being a bit shy and quiet around him. It has been years since he saw her last. It was definitely odd running into her at his new apartment. He didn't recognize her at first but the more he looked at him, the more he thinks about how pretty she has gotten over the years... [/hider] [hider=Room 507] | [color=???]F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship. | [color=???]F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship.[/hider] [hider=Room 508] | [color=#9e5f5f]A T S U K O . H A R T L E Y[/color] | [color=215435]☮[/color] Friends / [color=black]☠[/color] Enemies "[i]That night was fun...right?[/i]" Atsuko and Daniel have the quintessential Frenemy-type of relationship. They've met before. They have business dealings, though not many know about this. There are also darker and more intimate things that only the two of them know and Daniel likes to tease her about it from time to time, much to her chagrin. | [color=???]F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship.[/hider] [hider=Room 509] | [color=deepskyblue]R E E D . R I L E Y[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship. | [color=]F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship. [/hider] [/hider]