[center][h3][color=99ccff]Edwina Fairfax[/color][/h3][img]http://cdn0.dailydot.com/uploaded/images/original/2014/5/17/charlie.gif[/img] [@Gilgex][/center][hr][hr][color=0E32CF][b]”They’re still alive… They can hear us… We need to get out of here. These are just goons, guns for hire. Frankly I’d rather not die here today… I hate asking this of anyone, especially someone that can control light like you can. But, you’re going to have to carry me. I can’t move.“[/b][/color] [color=99ccff]"Yup. I'm definitely the one saving your ass,"[/color] Eddie chuckled a bit. [color=99ccff]"How much do you weigh? I mean, I've never exactly carried a...whatever you are."[/color] The AK-47s went into position, and a hail of bullets shot at the ground. Fortunately, none of them struck Eddie anywhere vital. [color=99ccff]"Jesus fucking Christ, that was my toe, assholes!"[/color] Looking down at her shoe, she saw the point where the bullet entered, and she bit down on her tongue in pain. [color=0E32CF][b]”Come on Hurry Lucifer we need to get out of here. Live to fight another day as the saying goes. Also yes I'm a bit of a flip flopper.“[/b][/color] She glanced down at Mercury again, watching as he flopped on the ground like a fish. She shook her head at him, before waving her hands towards the attackers once more. Truthfully, she didn't need to wave her hands around to manipulate light. She just liked the way it looked--it was dramatic! [color=99ccff]"How dare you attack the prince of darkness?"[/color] Eddie shouted, attempting to make her voice hoarse and low. To the attackers, the image in front of them changed. Rather than being a blank spot on the beach, the devil seemed to come into form. A blinding light then ushered towards their eyes, causing them to try to shield their eyes in great pain. Yet they couldn't escape it. Eventually, the thugs turned and ran. Eddie, panting and sweating, collapsed down to the ground, gasping. [color=99ccff]"That was...probably not the smartest move for me."[/color] She chuckled lightly, before her arms gave out, and she coughed up a bit of blood, her fingers twitching lightly from all of the energy she had directed.