[center] [i][color=crimson]Yuriya Yozora[/color][/i] [h3][i][color=crimson]百合夜 夜空[/color][/i][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FhoFIPv.png[/img] [/center] [color=crimson]"Oh? So, when is a good time for it, Rokudo-kun? After we have met our gruesome fates are the mercy of a twisted monster, maybe?"[/color] Yuriya said in a teasing tone, perhaps a bit more maliciously than was needed but, worrying about the dead (or potentially dead) would do them no good, though, goofing around forever was equally bad. [color=crimson]"Now that we have that lighter, we may as well be able to overcome that Friagne monster, even if for some time. But-"[/color] Yuriya's thoughts were abruptly halted by Katashi baring his chest and shredding his shirt to help build a torch. After being handed the first two components of it, Yuriya looked at Katashi with a raised eyebrow, her eyes scanning his bare torso with a cunning look, no wonder why some people called Yuriya a vixen, the smile on her lips as she said [color=crimson]"Say it, Todo, have you ever been part of any of the sports' clubs? Soeone with your physique would do very well on the swim club, I think. Either way,"[/color] Yuriya said as she got back to her feet, looking ever so serious again, [color=crimson]"if we plan to make a torch we will need something more consistent than alcohol. There should be enough kerosene on the boiler room, the problem is that we will have to get the keys first, they should be on the Principal's office on this same floor. I wonder if we will be able to make it there?"[/color] However, as soon as Yuriya's ears noticed the sounds of Shizune's rampage, Yuriya got to Shizune and Jack and tried to force them apart. [color=crimson]"Shizune, no matter how much I would like to see you tear that idiot's throat apart, the last thing we should be doing is thin our own numbers. Furthermore,"[/color] Yuriya looked at the hole left by the unexpected newcomer, before returning her gaze to Shizune and then everyone else, [color=crimson]"As Todo said, we have to go, this place isn't safe anymore. However,"[/color] she said, glaring at Jack with a serious hatred burning in her eyes, [color=crimson]"the next time you do something this stupid, you'll wish that I had let Shizune do whatever she was going to do with you."[/color] [hr] [center][@TheWindel], [@sakurasan], [@rechonq], [@Lucius Cypher], [@Unlucky0013], [@Lonewolf685][/center]