[color=Slategray][h1]Goro Nyudo Masamune[/h1][/color] [color=Slategray]"I'm sorry to say that the confused one would be you, my Master."[/color] Goro shook his head ever so slightly with a slight sigh, the cluelessness of his master not exactly filling him with great hope about their prospects. Hopefully, this old man was a fast learner, or else he might end up dead before the week was out. [color=Slategray]"You seem to have no idea what kind of ritual you've entered, so allow me to elaborate as much as I can, for the Holy Grail, which is the artifact that has brought me to this world and that many will be fighting for in the coming days, has given me all the relevant knowledge about this era and the War itself that I may need to know. Heroic Spirits such as myself have been summoned by the Grail to take part in a Grand Battle Royale, where many pairs of Servants and Masters, those would be the perspective mages such as yourself, in order to be granted the artifact itself, which has the ability to grant any wish that one can dream off."[/color] Goro looked towards his Master with an intense gaze, making sure that the man knew that this was no jest, no confused rambling of a lost Spirit brought forth by chance. This was the hard truth of the situation that the man had stumbled into, and there was no way out of it for either of them besides Goro's death, and even then, it might not be the end of it for his Master. [color=Slategray]"With such a grand prize, there is precious little that some mages won't do in order to come out on top, and know that whether you actively seek it or not, as long as you and I draw breath, we're obstructions towards another Master's desire for the Grail, and they'll do anything to take us out. Before I tell you anything else, and certainly before you think of going to this gathering, you must understand that this is a battle to the death for everyone involved, and even more importantly, while Alliance may be forged, their can only be one winner. Do you understand this?[/color] [@Beloss] [hr] [color=Deepskyblue][h1]Charles Dorvain[/h1][/color] Charles cursed slightly as he saw through his familiars eyes the bounded field surrounding the building in question. A pigeon would stick out a sore thumb in such a place, and he didn't wish for any of the other mages to trace the connection back to him. With a sigh, he commanded the bird to sit down on the roof of the building, before he sent a command to Jack through their mental link. [color=Deepskyblue][i]Jack, go into the building and keep an eye and an ear out. I can't send my familiar in, but the plan will continue as normal. If you see a possible chance to take out a Master, be sure to contact me for permission to take it. Remember, the main point of this is recon. Gain as much information as you can. Understood?[/i][/color] After he received confirmation from Assassin, Charles would slump into his seat, gnawing at his thumbnail ever so slightly as he now regretted his positioning of the room. All he could do was sit and wait for something to happen while Jack infiltrated the area. He considered going himself, but quickly denounced the idea. While he'd like nothing better then the direct approach, he wasn't stupid enough to actually risk his one advantage just because he was getting a bit bored. [@Holy Grail]