[center][h3][color=#d40b0b]Zephyr Heidrich[/color][/h3] [img]https://i.gyazo.com/3353bb14d63392e7b077eb1eee0fafba.png[/img][/center] [color=#d40b0b]Name Meaning:[/color] Zephyr (Soft gentle breeze) Heidrich (Derives from Heidenreich. "Heidan" as in heathen, and "Reich" as in power.) [color=#d40b0b]Age:[/color] Fifteen [color=#d40b0b]Height:[/color] 5'8" [color=#d40b0b]Element:[/color] Darkness [color=#d40b0b]Personality:[/color] Calm, collected, and painfully blunt, Zephyr is your textbook example of a stoic. Although he experiences emotions to an extent like the human being he is, the boy has a problem expressing his reactions on the physical plane. Due to this complexional hindrance many find it impossible to get a read on the kid, a feat that has been achieved by only two souls. In a world full of vibrant hues and natural wonders, juxtaposed to all of these features Zephyr is chalked up as quite dull. He makes up for his taciturn demeanor with subtle actions, much like his name would imply. Faint, almost to the point where it's unnoticed. But it may not be his personal predisposition as the sole agent of this reticent individual. The abrasive flak Zephyr continually received upon the conception of his abilities more than remarkably contributed to his current demeanor. Humans are a hive-minded race by default. Following the leader and playing in tune are fundamental constituents of their nature. When one falls out of line or shows a potential to cause the foundation to crumble, the unlucky individual is instantly blasted with animosity. Derision is something Zephyr knows all too well. But rather than succumbing to words laced in hatred, he stands his ground and maintains tenacious stature. Actually, he repurposes these prickling words as a drive. A sign that things must be changed. But change isn't taken in stride naturally. It must be propagated, and like a fire, kindled. [color=#d40b0b]History:[/color] Disappointment. Despair. Isolation. Repulsiveness. Disgust. Scorn. Distrust. Helplessness. Scorn. Fear. The destructive desires that lie at the height of these feelings, innately built into the mind. Hope. A nomadic life is one full of struggle and uncertainty. But it also teaches the soul discipline and self-sufficiency. When he was ousted from his household at an unripe age due to the revelation that soon befell his family, Zephyr was forced to learn how to preserve his well-being. Luckily before the time the infrangible bonds with his family were severed, the boy was well educated on the how-to's to surviving in the wilderness. The boy soon found himself in an endless loop of distress. Not of his own, but of those who came to realizations. He felt like an orphan thrust from one foster to another. The agricultural outskirts of towns a ways off from the renowned academy housed many kind souls. But once Zephyr's hosts found out about his element, courtesy of its free-spirited nature, he would soon face the all too familiar embrace of a front door slammed against his side. By trial and error, mostly the latter, the young soul soon concluded that an itinerant lifestyle was his best option. Aside from venturing into rural towns to market off small game, Zephyr resided wherever people were not. His surroundings were serene, especially at night time. Even though he was enveloped in darkness, rays of the moon's light always fell upon him, as if they were envoys reaching out to him. By the time he reached the age of twelve, things had taken a drastic turn. Even though he had already come to resolution of bringing about change at this juncture, change had seemed to reach him first. Two souls entered his life. Intertwined to the point where their heartbeats could be mistaken as one, but they harbored enough contrasting characteristics to set themselves apart from one another. Runaway sisters. People who had also fallen off the beaten trail. At first they were apprehensive of Zephyr, and the same applied likewise. But soon enough a dynamic trio formed. It was mostly the older sister who steered the other two in the direction she saw fit. Yet on more occasions than one Zephyr put in his own input and may have influenced her decisions. After all, it was still a rare sight for the kid to pipe up. After some time, the trio migrated to the city life. They found a niche for themselves, scored reliable jobs and turned a new leaf. All three of them had peculiar abilities that deviated from the norm. It became clear that they would have to seek out a haven of sorts, and the academy fit the criteria. [color=#d40b0b]Equipment:[/color] Dagger Personal books, headphones, music player, [url=http://i.imgur.com/wvqrxkm.jpg]necklace[/url]. [color=#d40b0b]Theme Song:[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4eTc0Tykg]Mind Voice[/url]