Hey everyone..! Alrighty, just an update on what's going on with the roleplay..! Right now, I regret to inform you all that our awesome Co-GM, Ghost, is quite busy... for lack of better words, life is kicking his butt... but then, I'm more than sure that we all know how that feels; so we're going to help him out as much as we possibly can..! As of this moment onward (until further notice given), I shall be NPC'ing and posting up for his three characters: Alexander Katts, Yen Sid, and Nicholas Chopper. How can you help..? If you have characters who would like to interact with any of these three, please shoot me a message, and I shall happily do what I can to make that a reality. Also to help out with the current situation, and to make things easier and less stressful on my current Co-GM's, I am happy to say that I will be promoting our own Yoshi into being our third Co-GM. If you have any questions or queries, and I am not around to answer them, please feel free to shoot a message, or to ask Yoshi or Poly, and they will do what they can to help out. Let's all pick up our pom poms, and cheer Ghost on as he continues his quest to kick lifes butt..! Thanks guys for being so understanding, it means so much to not only me, but I'm sure it means a lot to Ghost as well. :) Love all you awesome nerds <3 Vicier~ P.S Please let me know when you have seen and read this message..!