[center][h3][color=99ccff]Edwina Fairfax[/color][/h3][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcb82x5wmS1ron04jo2_r2_500.gif[/img] [@Gilgex] [/center][hr][hr] [color=0E32CF][b]”So you study waves, and it’s affects on the world? That’s really interesting Edwina! Why don’t you tell me more, I like knowing how things work. Sorta my entire lifes goal is to understand it all, so in turn I can find out where I belong… So far I’m still looking. Twenty five years, and still no answer. How sad is that?“[/b][/color] [color=99ccff]"Can't be any sadder than talking to a bird, I guess,"[/color] Eddie laughed, leaning back on her desk. [color=99ccff]"Don't worry, you won't mess anything up. The lazers and stuff are really just for show. I get [i]far[/i] better accuracy with my brain."[/color] She twirled her fingers around, as if to demonstrate using her powers. And of course, she couldn't help but giggle at the crow bouncing around from spot to spot. Flexing her foot, she let it rest on the chair in front of her desk, thinking that keeping it elevated wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. [color=99ccff]"It's a bit complicated to explain how it all works... But think of each thing on the planet as being a tiny little circle, with waves coming out from them. That's what everyone is, really. My hand isn't really here--it's just a wave. These waves interact with the world, and so does light. But our brains assume that light travels in a straight path, so that's how you get what looks like a fucked up straw in your drink, when you notice it looks like it's split...but it really isn't."[/color] She paused again. [color=99ccff]"Everything is just waves bouncing off and colliding with each other, really. That's all. Nothing fancy."[/color] Glancing out the window behind her, Eddie didn't notice anything strange. Hopefully, they'd be safe at the lab for a little while. She wasn't exactly sure if the superhero police existed--their number would have been useful.