Jack looked at Maria and saw the curious look in her eye's about the black weapon cases he carried with him. Jack silently motioned towards the seat for Maria to sit if she wanted as he pulled the longer black case from between the seats and his feet and layed it on the panel from earlier. She could probably use a distraction now, if anything for a couple moments as they reached nearer to Mars. Jack silently typed into the small key pad on the case, with a click the latches unlocked and he popped them up and opened the case revealing the same low green glow from earlier. Pulling out the weapon he showed it too Maria: [b]"This is the [url=http://i961.photobucket.com/albums/ae100/DarkWolfProductionsX/ZENITHXLT100.png]Zenith XLT-100[/url], it is the newest edition in the Plasma series from UAC Weapons lab. The weapon itself was a dream because Plasma is such a hard entity to work with when it comes to weapons. The BFG or Bio-Force-Gun was the first Plasma weapon to ever be created. I am sure you saw one before, it is a huge weapon that fit over most of your arm. The trigger was a mechanism within the gun itself, back then plasma cells were a newer type of discovery and they could only be formed in large cubes because compressing Plasma was dangerous work and thought to be impossible. But a man by the name of James Rickman made compressed Plasma cells possible, or in other words more shots per cell but in a smaller more compact size."[/b] Jack clicked the lever on the weapon and opened the chamber housing the compressed cell and showed it to Maria it glowed intensely green like a flickering bulb. Closing the weapon he silently leaned over putting the scope over her eye and pointed it towards the cockpit she would see the infrared signatures of the pilots. [b]"This gun is usually a lot smaller but as part of my agreement to come on this assignment I specifically requested one of these newer Plasma weapons, with an infrared scope and auto locking technology. This one also comes with a secondary firing chamber that houses a weak yet effective plasma grenade and a tactical rail and flashlight. It has two firing methods semi auto to burst mode. Burst mode was the main firing mode for the original BFG model, it was basically a charged up shot that dealt tons of damage to enemy or anyone nearby. Which is why now Plasma weapons such as this come with automated locking mechanisms so that you can target specific enemies and the splash damage is minimal so you don't harm nearby civilians. Once upon a time using Plasma was a dangerous game, if you didn't use the gun properly while charging your shot, the cell could explode and take you with it, now and days we have come a long way with plasma engineering."[/b] Jack placed the weapon back in its case and closed it, slipping it back between his feet he reached sideways and grabbed one of the weapons from his holster there was an electric beep as he removed it and showed it to Marie. [b]"This is the [url=http://i961.photobucket.com/albums/ae100/DarkWolfProductionsX/BFGXLS150.png]BFG XLS-150[/url], one of the newest of the BFG Small arms series. Its a weapon powered by the same compressed small plasma cell like you saw in the Zenith XL, and features the same small display for ammo count and also comes equipped with a small targeting HUD for target locking. This gun has three main functions, the first function is semi automatic fire like any pistol would have, the second function is fully automatic fire a rather new fire mode for this series and the third mode... the third mode is detonation mode. This gun also doubles as a rather devastating grenade, sort of like a last way out type of thing. I told you of cell compression for the plasma, well the cells are smaller and more stable now but they are also still very explosive at the same time, back in the time of the first BFG a cell explosion was deadly but the range was short, these cells exploding could pretty much take out the entire ship were sitting in right now. Don't worry the detonation mode can not be activated by some accidental trigger, it can only be activated by a series of specific clicks involving a small dial that is located with the gun near the rear guard rail. The holsters im wearing were specifically created for this gun, once in the holster the cell inside is nullified by a small energy field to avoid accidental discharge. You don't want to accidentally fire this gun on yourself, it could very well be the last thing you ever do."[/b] Jack replaced the pistol in its holster with another electronic beep, he silently caught Maria's eye,s cold steel like glaze meeting hers. [b]"Your next logical question would be to ask me why I am so heavily armed I am sure. I'm not going to lie to you, I have been a soldier most of my natural life, I have seen many different kinds of situations in my time soldering. An this situation gives me a bad taste in my mouth, makes my stomach hurt, and that is usually a sign that there is more going on then information is allowing. But with that said I want you to realize that I am here to protect not only you but as a soldier anyone who is endangered and that includes your sister. I promise you as long as I breath I will keep you safe, so try not to worry so much, I am the best at what I do."[/b] Jack gave a small but innocent reassuring smile as the speakers came to life and the pilot spoke to the cargo area: [b]"Commander Sir we have a small issue here could you please come to the cockpit?"[/b] Jack gave a puzzled look as he nodded to Maria as climbed up through the space and came into the small cockpit, in front of them Mars was already blocking out space. [b]"Whats the issue?" "I don't know sir, I am trying to contact Mars Landing tower but no one is answering. This is not something that has ever happened as long as iv transported back and forth between Earth and Mars."[/b] Jack cocked his head silently, that was not normal, protocol was very strict when it came to landing on Mars, especially within the complex because a direct flight path was needed to safely traverse the facility after the atmosphere burn. Jack reached forward and grabbed one of the small headsets and place it on his head. [b]"Mars Control this is Commander Jack Preacher do you read me over?"[/b] Jack heard nothing but dead air as there was no response. [b]"Mars Landing control this is Commander Jack Preacher we are approaching atmosphere level of Mars we need signal for proper landing procedures, please respond over."[/b] There was again dead air as Jack was starting to get a bad feeling about this, taking off the headset they entered the atmosphere of Mars and the heat sheilds activated. [b]"Sir I do not know what to do here, I do not have landing perimeters I have never done this manually."[/b] Jack looked on as they entered the atmosphere, this was not good there was no turning back now the heat sheilds were not meant for that kind of damage control. [b]"Move I will take over the landing, I have done a Manuel landing before long ago if the path is the same then I can get us to the hangar."[/b] The man quickly moved as Jack took over the controls, clicking a couple switches they started to descend at a fast speed as they quickly got out of the atmosphere, in the distance the Mars Complex came into view. Jack put the headset back on hoping maybe there had been interference and thats why they couldn't get a transmission. [b]"Landing control this is Mock V contacting landing Control do you copy?"[/b] Jack again got no answer but suddenly an eery low voice seemed to echo in his ear, it was almost like a hiss: [b][i]"Turn back now..."[/i][/b] Jack shook his head as the voice seemed to echo for a second then disappear, had he really heard that or was the dead air playing tricks on him? Didn't matter they had no choice but to land now, Jack clicked the button into the back and spoke: [b]"Maria this is Jack, buckle in this is going to get a little bumpy over."[/b] Jack clicked down more switches as the ship started to rock, buckling himself in Jack took the control pad as turned the ship sharply he guided the ship into the land pattern hoping to hell it was the same as before. The facility became closer and closer by the second as they picked up speed. As they fulled dipped out of the clouds Jack hit a couple more switches stabilizing the ship. [b]"What the hell is that Commander!? Look!"[/b] The man pointed quickly as Jack saw an orb of green flying through the air right towards the ship, it was closing distance fast. [b]"hang on!!!"[/b] Jack clicked a bunch of switches and then drove the controls sideways to the left, the transport jerked violently to the left and did a half barrel roll, the green orb passed by the ship as Jack gritted his teeth and turned the wheel to the right, he brought the ship back and stabilized it just in time to see another mysterious projectile heading for the ship. [b]"Fuck! Hang on!"[/b] Jack flung the controls to the right the entire transport turned upside down as he rolled out of the way of the projectile, the pilot in the back slammed the wall hard and fell into the cargo area behind unable to keep a grip of anything this time. Jack was upside down as he clicked more switches furiously, gripping the wheel he scream harshly as it resisted like a ten ton weight, the air pressure was staggering outside the ship as he wrenched with all his strength and brought the ship back around and straightened it out. Jack was just barely in time as the hangar was coming into view, he quickly hit switches like crazy as the transport rocked extremely hard many times as he tried to slow the descent. He grabbed the controls and pulled back hoping like hell another projectile wasn't coming. [b]"Maria hang on tight were coming in!"[/b] Jack almost yelled it into the speakers as he turned down all the switches and they went into a hard nose dive, Jack quickly aligned the landing as the doors were wide open, at the last moment he pulled up on the controls and the ship jerked up hard and straightened as the boosters caught them and they descended into the base. They quickly descended the large entrance tunnel and in mere moments they touched down on the stabilizing pads and the ship came to a rocky but subtle stop. Jack let out a large breath of relief as he realized he had been holding his breath. Slowing releasing the clasps of the belts the co pilot put a hand on his shoulder: [b]"Holy shit you did it Commander, god damn you can fly."[/b] Jack put his hand on top of the guys and quickly nodded as he got out of the seat and jumped back into the cargo area, hitting the floor was the pilot was near the back of the cargo area and he wasn't moving, Jack headed to him quickly, but upon seeing him there was a large break in his helmet and blood was pooling underneath his head. Jack sighed as he placed a hand on the mans neck, there was no pulse, he was gone. Closing he eye's he then turned and looked for Maria to make sure she was okay.