[hider=Katsumi Kochoha - Egoist] [center][h1][color=#e600ac][b][u]Katsumi Kōchōha[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [h2][color=#e600ac][b][u][i]"Egoist"[/i][/u][/b][/color][/h2] [IMG]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-szMx8wV_YbQ/Uv2-bJ1br_I/AAAAAAAAAFY/MjGd70QnrIc/w426-h643/1499662_648899218491426_971778528_n.jpg[/IMG] [h3][sup][color=#e600ac]"Ladies and Gentlemen, its a showtimes!"[/color][/sup][/h3][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=#e600ac][b][u][h1]The Basics[/h1][/u][/b][/color][/center] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Name[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Katsumi Eki Kōchōha[/indent] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Nicknames[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Egoist - Katsumi's stage name Mirror/Kagami - An alias in reference to her Kagami Concerto ability which creates mirror images of herself; Kagami is simply Japanese for "mirror".[/indent] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Code Name[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Egoist[/indent] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Age[/u][/b][/color] [indent]24[/indent] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Birthdate[/u][/b][/color] [indent]February 14th, 2005[/indent] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Gender[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Sexuality[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Heterosexual with slight Bisexual leanings[/indent] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Role[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Offensive Support[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][IMG]https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-xVNcGtEPJKs/VuDkkcXOjzI/AAAAAAAAAxU/KaZlkHX9rps/s400/Yuzuriha%2BInori5.jpg[/IMG] [h3][sup][color=#e600ac]"This one goes out to my fans!"[/color][/sup][/h3][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=#e600ac][h1][b][u]Digging Deep[/u][/b][/h1][/color][/center] [color=#e600ac][b][u]In-Depth Appearance[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Standing at 5 foot 7 inches, Katsumi is something of a "diamond in the rough", born with beauty and grace despite her impoverished early life. Her doll-like skin and soft hazel eyes attract the eye of many while her dyed pink hair is certainly a point of interest. Katsumi's hair is always tied into two ponytails that sit on either side of her outside of sleeping. While she prefers not to mention it, Katsumi does take great pride in her appearance and ability to quickly apply make up to herself. Her most common outfit which serves as both her casual and battle clothing is all black; a black leather with interwoven nano-weave corset dress with matching stockings with garter belts and a pair of long black boots. The nano-weave lets her overall appearance remain the same while also giving her much needed protection without having to wear actual plating. When going out on missions, she usually carries additional belts and pouches to store the necessary equipment and of course, all of it in a stylish black. On occasion, she will wear her stage outfit off-stage. It its a very unique looking red swimsuit-like jump suit with black and orange detailing, a very noticable long opening that stretches from the top of her chest to above her crotch. Red and orange fingerless elbow gloves also carry long strips of equally colorful fabric as well as a flowing white shawl that goes behind Katsumi's back and around her arms. A pair of black boots with red detailing are of a similar style of that of the boots from her casual look. [/indent] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Habits and Quirks[/u][/b][/color] [list][*]Talks with a Japanse accent [*]Occasionally uses ingrish [*]Likes to gymnastics or yoga to fill time [*]Tends to hum to herself a lot, even talk to herself [*]Can cook anything really well... as long as its related to dumplings or eggs [*]Tends to say thank you a lot even over the smallest things [/list] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Likes[/u][/b][/color] [list][*]Most musics [*]Her fans [*]Hosting events/concerts [*]Eggs [*]Electronics (Robotics & Pyrotechnics especially) [*]Having fun [/list] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Dislikes[/u][/b][/color] [list][*]Metal music [*]Clingy people/Stalkers [*]Non-functioning technology/when it doesn't work. [*]Slimly businessmen and corperation who want to give her sponsership [*]Illogical stupidity [/list] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Fears[/u][/b][/color] [list][*]Loosing her stardom and everything through death or otherwise [*]Appearing weak [/list] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/color] [indent]A bubbly girl, Katsumi likes to appear as an easy going, fun loving and cheery girl full of youthful energy. How much of this is actualy her true self and how much of it is just being accented for stage purpose is known only to her but regardless, it seems like Katsumi is a fairly lively girl all around. Growing up with nothing, she's incredibly grateful of everything and is almost like a Canadian in that sense if you swap "sorry" with "thank you". Despite everything, she is still very, very scare of loosing everything in the face of failure but keeps up her fascade remarkbly well. During missions, she's noticebly more serious and tries her best not to get in other people's way, especially those who are much more exprienced than her. While her aim is on point, her fear of hitting a teammate usually means she'll only aim at targets who aren't in close with her allies, owning to a fear of her own inabilty to "military aim".[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cc/9a/a4/cc9aa4b8ffa4481cc3234bd13bbb2b8f.jpg[/IMG] [h3][sup][color=#e600ac]"Ladies and Gentlemen, its a showtimes!"[/color][/sup][/h3][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=#e600ac][h1][b][u]Origins[/u][/b][/h1][/color][/center] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Background[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Katsumi is something of a diamond in the rough, born to impoverished parents with four other siblings, there was never enough of anything to go around. Anything beyond the bare nessicities was considered an extravagant, wasteful luxury to the point that even on birthdays and holidays gifts where often skipped over unless it was extrememly cheap. With their parents working jobs day in and day out, they often had little time to care for the children they loved so it often fell on the shoulders of the children to look out for one another while their mother and father were out slaving away for meager wages. Katsumi at this point hadn't thought of what she was going to do with her life, believing that she'd inveitably become wage slaves like her parents. But it was one day while she was out and meandering about that she came across a TV set in a store that was streaming a concert from one of Japan's pop starts. Something clicked inside of Katsumi's head as she was entraced by the bright colorful stage effects and the dazzling outfits as well as they catchy songs. Without telling anyone, she secretly made a wish that she'd be like that girl on the TV screen, singing in front of thousands. Was it delusional? Pretty much, but it gave Katsumi something to hope and work for. Every day she'd hum to herself more often before she moved on to singing old songs she had heard for even make up her own beat. Katsumi was a natural at it, with little training she had sounded like an angel. Her family loved her voice and while reluctant at first, encouraged her to keep at it and expand her vocal range. Katsumi like so many other in her position would then go out on to the street and sing next to a little bucket and bring home some money everyday. Soon the bucket would come home heavier and fuller which only encouraged her and her family more. Eventually she would gather enough courage and at the age of 16, her family would make a rare trip to a talent agency known as 463 Talent Agency. 463 was going through a rough time and despite once coming out with some of the most popular idols, magicians and entertainers, had lost its glory. Katsumi's family picked them since it was said they were great at one point and because they were close by. Katsumi would go in a girl and come out an idol in training, a new path suddenly set by herself with the support of her family. Gambling everything they had in a risky if not foolish business decision, 463 put almost everything they had on this girl and her family. Now living in an apartment, Katsumi would spend the next year in idol training, learning how to act and dance and all the other things a young, hip popstar would need to know minus the singing, it seemed the Katsumi was born with that. And so, one year later "Egoist" held her first concert with a resounding success. Within an hour she was the top hit on social media. Within days she was known nation wide. Within weeks she had released her first album with great success. Within months she her fan base grew worldwide as a second concert was scheduled. It seemed like there was a never ending wave of success in story for Katsumi and her family who now lived comfortably. It seemed like 463's gamble had paid off. However, a sudden terrorist attacks quickly changed some things. Katsumi's, or Egoist's, concerts had regularly brought thousands of people together in one place with thousands more watching on TV or online; if someone wanted to get a message across or cause some havoc, they would be hard pressed to find any better spot. The bombs and the gunfire opened up across her concert venue and people panicked and tried to escape. Katsumi's own life probably would have ended had it not been for some quick thinking of overloading on the stage lights. However, such creativity would cost her own arms. In the aftermath, Katsumi had decided to play a more active role in improving the world, joining the Sentinels and a good deal of popular support with her. Having her defunct arms replaced with her current SweetARMS prosthetics and armed with a rifle whose technology can be seen as a militarized version of one of her old stage props. She's also become on the major public faces for the Sentinels given her massive fan base and often makes videos about life with them or interviewing some of the members. She's currently debating if she should also make plans for livestreaming missions at the moment as well.[/indent] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Place of Origin[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Tokyo, Japan[/indent] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Family[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Katsumi has a mother and father, both of which are living comfortably in Tokyo aftering their daughter's singing brought them out of poverty. [/indent] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Abilities[/u][/b][/color] [indent][i]Kagami Choir[/i] - Based on technology that Egoist used to use in her concerts to make holograms of herself, [i]Kagami Choir[/i] does exactly that. It creates up to two hard light clones of Egoist which she controls and can ever fight. However, they are extremely fragile, able to be destroyed in a few hits and one can see how the clones will have a faint transparency about them up close, Egoist also has a hard limit of two she can summon out. Kagami Encore - What's basically a glorified mirror ability, Kagami Encore causes many bright flashes of dazzling light to blind and disorient anyone in the vicinity. Brave Shine - Whats best described as shinning holographic netting that surroundings a single target. Egoist calls it a "Super Booster" as while it does very little healing, it reduces damage taken as well as giving a speed boost; those who've been under its influence note its moral boosting effects that fills them with sudden confidence and courage. [/indent] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Weapons[/u][/b][/color] [indent]"Starlit Sonata" Wave Motion Harmonics Rifle - An slow-firing energy sniper with unparalleled accuracy and range which works by harmonizing the waveforms of heavy particles which resonate as they align and release energy that is channelled and focused to produce a solid, concentrated beam of energy. Starlit Sonata's beam is usually that of a blue beam although the risky process of overcharging the rifle's core can turn it into a more damaging purple beams. SweetARMS (Autonomous Reconstructed Muscle Servos) - After loosing her arms, the SweetARMS are Katsumi's replacement, meant to look and feel like actual fleshy arms with a layer of realistic artificial polymer skin. They are more durable and stronger than normal arms and contain within them the machienry needed for her to cast her abilities. Most people could never tell that her arms are fake, especially on stage or in photo shoots but if you look closely, you can spot where the arms connect to her torso. Guilty Crowns - A grenade-like explosive, upon detonation anyone in a 5 foot radius has their auditory sense overloaded with a Harmonic Resonator and is also "marked" with a crown-like ring which can easily spotted through cover and even invisibility with most types of scanners.[/indent] [color=#e600ac][b][u]Extra[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Favorite Character: Gameplay - Mercy | Waifu - D.Va[/indent] [/hider]