[center][h1][color=7E1B1B]Marcus Williams[/color][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/5e06d4d666f1a5e03e272e0677516bd8/tumblr_o7g0ce8pto1v3swszo1_r1_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Dock 32A, near Helicopter [b][u]Interacting with[/u][/b]: [b][color=92278f]Alexandra[/color][/b] - [@Chickn][hr][/center] Marcus glanced from person to person as they all spoke up with their agreement, everyone seemed relatively on board, well, mostly everyone. Marcus watched the larger male, Fenrir, as he seemed to ponder the offer. Rather, he didn't particularly ponder anything, he seemed like he was almost seething at the mere idea of it. Marcus was more amused than anything, both by the overreaction of sorts, and by the whole being of the man. He simply had gotten a bad vibe about him the second he saw him, was almost positive he wouldn't be getting along with him. As a result, at the very least, he was not upset to see him go. He felt a tap on his shoulder then. [color=92278f][b]"Interesting group of people, isn't it? My name is Alex, by the way. I'd offer to shake your hand, but, well..."[/b][/color] Turning his gaze back toward the voice, his eyes settled on the woman, and specifically on her arms. He wasn't going to say anything to judge, after all it'd only be hypocritical. Smiling softly in her direction, a semi-genuine smile at that, he shrugged his shoulders and glanced back around. [b][color=7E1B1B]"It's certainly something."[/color][/b] He put it simply as he turned back to Alex, chuckling. [b][color=7E1B1B]"I'm Marcus, it's nice to meet you."[/color][/b] Taking a moment to glance about again, everyone seemed to be following a similar lead than Alex, a number of those present conversing over whatever such thing, some seemed to know each other, others just getting introduced. It was an interesting bunch, and he would have been lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to getting to know them all and working with them, it'd been too long since he had a real team of any sort.