[center][h3]Julio Taiyou[/h3][/center] [color=ec008c]"Take care Julio and call us when you have the time. Keep us posted alright and try not to get killed alright? Bye~"[/color] Hm, there were better ways to see him off but he wasn't going to complain. He wasn't related to them in any way at all. Today was the day that he was finally going to Lustre Academy, after years of waiting. The family who had essentially adopted him had dropped him off near the docks. They had to hurry after all. The parents had work and the young daughter had other things to do that morning, something about a get-together with her friends if he remembered correctly. However, he kept to the sides and wasn't willing to charge in with the rest of the crowd. It was unnerving. When it was time for boarding, he quickly entered and found a space where there weren't much students and then let out a breath to calm himself down. Seriously, having claustrophobia is probably the worst thing to have when you're a student in a Hunter Academy. He sat down and then leaned on the side of the ship. He could hear students talking in the distance. Probably already mingling and making friends. After all, they might get lumped into the same team after some time. He'll worry about that when the time comes. [color=fff200]"Now let's see why my father sent me here."[/color] He knew fully well that his father sent him there for the reason of training him to be a Hunter and help Vault with their defenses but he could've just continued in Atlas for that. So there was probably another reason or he was thinking too much into things. Either way, he was quite excited to see this new place; a bit nervous considering that he was still being berated on his old habits that stuck with him even after Atlas but he could work around that. He hoped.