[center][h3]Moritomi Home for the Disturbed F1 28/6/2015 Sunday[/h3] [@oblivion666][@floodtalon][/center] [color=brown]"Kazuki? What are you doing here?"[/color], Tadao turned to ask as the boy stepped into the ward. He was alone, then again this dungeon presented no danger beyond an uncanny presence that seemed to linger throughout the halls. [color=royalblue]"I'm here to act as your navigator. I got bored sitting back, so I decided to do you all a favor"[/color], Tadao was silent. [color=royalblue]"Besides, the sooner we can finish all of this, the better, right?"[/color], it wasn't known to anyone here except Tadao that Kazuki's Persona had navigational abilities, but only in close proximity to himself, unlike Megumi and Ayano, who could use it from relatively safe positions outside of the dungeons. [color=brown]"I suppose... Very well Kazuki, if that is your wish then I will accept"[/color], Tadao gave in. Everyone here had about rested up and calmed their nerves enough, or should have. [color=royalblue]"Alright you lot, we're going to get moving"[/color], Kazuki seemed to make himself leader pretty much as of this point without any official announcement. Still, if they could get out of this place sooner, the better. They stepped through the doors, and entered basically a hallway of swirling darkness. It appended into a regular hallway just several steps through, but as they walked down this hallway, the darkness behind them would creep along the walls, first forming the familiar marks and graffiti on the wall from the rest of the dungeon, and turning into legible writing. "They killed him", "it was their fault", "they deserve to die", as everyone read these messages their walk through this hallway became more and more unsettling, until finally they reached a set of double doors swung open. It was an auditorium, decrepit, chairs destroyed, dusty, and one spotlight highlighting two identical figures, a boy and their shadow. Beside them were two mannequins, blank save for the kanji for "father" and "mother" on each one. [@EnterTheHero] Your time has come.