[center][h3]Chamoisee Lacaune[/h3] Docking Station[/center] Chami sighs quietly as he pushes his way out of the taxi, eying the crowd swarming about the ship. Last thing he was looking forward to was pushing his way through the crowd, though he should have figured that was a forgone conclusion. The first day of school is never a clam one, as much as he’d hope. The drive struggles to pull his bags from the trunk before finally managing to drop them at Chami’s feet with a heavy thunk.[color=00ff33]"That'll be-"[/color] the driver begins to ask in a chipper tone, before being immediately cut off as the young sheep boy seemingly turns on a dime to glare daggers at her. Chami pulls out a scroll and there is a soft booping noise as electronic currency is transferred to the driver. [color=cec34a]"Thank you."[/color] he says, quickly lifting the bags with nearly no effort and pushing his way (some what literally) into the crowd, leaving the driver to discover the modest tip on her own. A few minutes (and a few more bruise elbows) Chami manages to make his way onto the ship, dropping into an available seat like a sack of bricks and dropping his bags onto the floor. Lazily, he pulls out his scroll opening the messaging tab, reading his the message he got from his dad earlier this morning. [b]"got work. Call when at there. Love you." [/b]. He quickly closes it, opting instead to watch as the remaining hunters try and filter into the ship.