Sage smirked in response to Xander's greeting and followed he, Terry, Tia, and the new girl off the bus. There was a lovely "Greeting" from a boy and he watched, raising his eyebrows. How delightful. He watched as students poured out of the bus and onto the grounds as if they were at some prestigious playground or something. He walked inside and to the front desk. While he waited, he watched how rudely the woman dismissed everyone and scowled before letting it disappear. Was nobody here nice or friendly? After he received his schedule, he joined Terry, Tia, new-girl and the others. Just as he went to speak, Tia did before he could. “Anyways, should we head into the cafeteria? Maybe we can find someone to sit with in there that might know what is going on.” Tia said as she headed through the cafeteria doors. Sitting by himself at one of the tables was a teen about the same age as Terry, new-girl, and himself. He followed her and sat down opposite of the boy and Tia. “I’ve already eaten breakfast at the hospital before I was kidnapped so if you guys want I can find a table to sit at while you guys grab your food.” He looked at Tia. "Thanks, Tia." He replied with a kind smile as she found a table. "I appreciate it." Then, Sage turned to the new boy Tia had greeted and listened to his introduction and nodded in response. "Your decision," Mikhail said his slight Russian accent showing, "I'm Mikhail Arkaden." This school just had a variety of accents: Terry's British accent, Mikhail's Russian accent, and then his own British/Australian accent. He smirked to himself, amused, but didn't let anyone notice. Sage wondered if people from other countries had been contacted to come here, or if it was just the kids in America. It was a little mind boggling to see so many different people with their distinct backgrounds. Sage shook his head to clear his thoughts and turned to Mikhail but fell silent as Tia began to converse. "The name's Tia." Tia said as she scanned the crowd and then turned back to Mikhail. "I don't think I saw you on the bus earlier. I've been trying to get some answers on what is going on here. Do you think you can help." Tia asked. The teen who had screeched at them before was standing at the entrance, continuing his psychotic shriek. "What's that guy's problem?" She asked as she watched the teen as he started yell about ignoring someone. Sage raised an eyebrow once more and looked at Tia. "Not to intrude, mate, but I'd recommend staying close by." He told Tia, his accents noticeable as well. Something about the teen was making him wonder what kind of school this was, or if they were just unhinged or something. He sighed and looked at Mikhail. "Good day, mate. I'm Sage, Sage Lockheart." ________________________________________ Willow received her schedule and waited with the others, not bothering to speak to the lady at the desk. There was no point, seeing as she was cutting everyone off or ignoring them. Additionally, the boy who had screamed at them before had baffled her and thrown her off-guard so she was also trying to recover her composure. She heard the young teen who had been sitting with the older teenagers, speak to her and looked at her. “Hey, I don’t think we introduced ourselves yet. My name is Tia. Do you also ha-“ Willow smiled kindly, though confusion surfaced when her question was cut off. "Nice to meet you, I'm Will-" "Next!" The lady said loudly, seemingly annoyed. Will frowned and moved away, quickly following the group and doing her best to keep up. As Tia waited for the other two to receive their schedules, she began speaking, although Will was giving her schedule e a quick glance before looking at her. “Seriously? What type of schedule is this? Hand to hand combat? Archery? And what the hell is elemental training. Are they kidding or something?” Tia asked with a confused expression written on her face, though it seemed to be to nobody in particular. Will laughed, amusement filing her expression."No idea, Tia. I have flying lessons." She paused for a moment and eyed her own schedule more thoroughly. "I'm good at hand-to-hand combat, so I can help you if you'd like, and it looks like I'm in the class anyways. I'm good at it since I kinda had to know this stuff for where I came from..." Willow looked away, hoping she wasn't making a fool of herself. She wasn't sure how to converse, or if she'd mess up. Her shyness was painful at times and now was one of them. Maybe she should just be on her own. She sighed. No. She'd have to open up eventually, or perhaps she'd be a loner again. Still, with no idea what the heck this school was, having friends seemed like the best idea. But how could she converse when she couldn't stop babbling like an idiot? Growing quiet, Willow followed Tia, Sage, and the others into the cafeteria. Tia found a table and sat down, conversing with the boy who was there. While Tia, the new boy, and then Sage spoke, Willow remained quiet. "Hey, can my friends and I sit here with you?” Tia asked already sitting down across from the teen before he could answer. "Your decision," Mikhail said his slight Russian accent showing, "I'm Mikhail Arkaden." Willow blushed. He was handsome, and his accent was adorable. She glanced at him shyly before glancing away, hoping she wouldn't make a fool of herself. Just then, the teenager boy from before screamed once more. "WELCOME TO DARKWOOD FELLOW FREAKS OF NATURE!!!." A boy pulled the hood off and yelled back "IGNORE HIM PLEASE!." Willow stared at them, positively confused and bewildered. Ignore who? What the hell was going on? And why were they "freaks of nature?" She shook her head with bewilderment then turned back to the others. She couldn't help but hope they wouldn't come near them. She listened to Tia speak to Mikhail, mentioning how he hadn't been on the bus and was looking for answers. Also, when she asked what that guy's problem was, Will couldn't help but wonder the same thing. She sighed. This school's first impression was just grand. The boy who had been sitting next to the two girls spoke introducing himself as Sage. His voice was a mixture of a British and Australian accent, making him her smirk. She looked around to see if the other girl was there before finally looking at the group. "May I sit here, please?" she asked, mustering as much bravado as possible, since people were still giving her glances and whispering. She kept hearing 'thug', 'gangster', 'mob girl'. It was going to be a long year. She did her best to ignore them. "I'm Willow Clarke, but you can call me Will." Over the discussion of breakfast, she looked at Tia. "Oh. I ate a little bit, but I'd like to get some more food." She looked at Sage, then to the other girl and realized he'd probably wanted to speak to her alone. He seemed to have a crush on her or something. "But I think I'll wait for the line to die a little." While waiting, Willow took her hoodie off. Despite her muscle, Willow was thin. Maybe too thin.