[center][hr][hr][h1][b][color=82ca9d]Marc Tender[/color][/b][/h1] [img]http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/2014-09/25/10/enhanced/webdr08/anigif_enhanced-buzz-12511-1411654991-6.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Coaches Office Grimm H.S. Gym[hr][/center] [color=82ca9d]"Think you look fine but hey, that's me,"[/color] he chuckled a bit as Ashley got up and moved over to the coaches desk to clean up the make up smearing thanks to her tears. Leaning back on the couch he rested his hands in his lap, lacing his fingers together as he watched her from time to time. Ever the perfectionist when it came to her looks, seemed she hadn't really changed that much since high school. At least not in that respect but he knew she hadn't. Ashley was Ashley, he wouldn't ever want her to change. At her question his brow rose slightly. He wondered if she was really even expecting an answer to the question. He hadn't exactly been known for expressing his feelings. In fact that was exactly why they had broken up and he knew she knew that. Seemed like she was wondering if he actually knew that and perhaps wanting more. Oh well, she was in for a bit of a surprise right then because Marc wasn't going to hold back this time. [color=82ca9d]"You know, if you had asked me that question ten years ago I would have either clammed up or told you it wasn't the right time to answer that question because you are dating someone. Granted that second reason would have been an excuse to cover the first,"[/color] he said laughing a bit as he rubbed the back of his neck. Looking over at her, a cheekyily shy expression on his face before he shrugged and stood up. Tugging at the bottom of his vest to smooth it out before he stepped over to the desk she was sitting at and standing in front of her. Then his expression exchanged and became softer and yet so serious. [color=82ca9d]"Why didn't we work out? Simple really. It was me, not you. And I don't mean that in that whole well it really was you but I am trying to be nice. It was me. I didn't say those things you needed to hear but just because I didn't say them doesn't mean I didn't think them. Like how much I enjoyed being around you because of the way your eyes lit up a room every time you smiled. Or how you made me laugh being the over the top girl you are. How I could be happy just holding you and watching the rest of the world wander by. Or how your perfume drove my allergies nuts but I put up with the sneezing cause you wore it. Or how the best you ever looked was waking up that morning on the lake, with no make up and your hair all over the place,"[/color] he said as he stepped around the desk and squatted down in front of her, reaching out and taking her hands gently in his, running his fingers along the length of them before looking back up at her. [color=82ca9d]"Or how even the night of prom when I lost someone I cared about my first thought was getting you out of the gym and with someone who could protect you because I knew I wasn't strong enough then to. How everything I have done since High School was to make sure I was never that weak again. Because you deserved to have someone you could call on any time, anywhere, to be there for you. We didn't work out because I wasn't the man you deserved back then. Just wish I had figured that out before it was too late but I still wouldn't change any of it. Long as you are happy Ash, that's all that matters."[/color] Pulling her hand to his lips he pressed a soft kiss to the back of her hand before letting go and standing up. [color=82ca9d]"And I think your make up looked fine, had a very Bride of the dead look to it and you rocked it,"[/color] he chuckled a bit as he stuck his hands in his pockets and gave a slight shrug.