[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE3OC5mNDg2MDYuV21WclpTQktMaUJRY21sdVkyVSwuMQAA/the-juke-box.ffp.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE3OC5mNDg2MDYuUkhWdWEwMWhjM1JsY2csLC4xAAAA/the-juke-box.ffp.png[/img] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2a900hKTh1rtrbk9o1_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Sentinel HQ: Paris [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] [@smarty0114] [/center] [hr][hr] [indent][indent][i] [list] [*]Arrive at a private airport, where you tell a guard your name. He checks it against his list (or recognizes you since you're a baller).  You then park in a secure parking lot that costs nothing, is very close to the airport building, and has no tickets, lettered areas, or any other sort of bureaucracy. [/list] [list] [*]You enter the airport, a relatively small building with a waiting area and exits out to the hangars where your particular aircraft is held.  Usually there is a lounge next to your hangar that has snacks and drinks and comfortable chairs, where you wait - often not more than 10-15 minutes - for your plane to be ready. [/list] [list] [*]When your plane is ready, you just walk outside and go into it.  There is no airport hassle: no security check, no lines, and often a staff member will even grab your bag and put it on the plane for you. The pilot will often greet you at the door.  He is usually happy to make small talk and answer questions.  The planes I've organized has had light-brown leather and walnut wood interiors and seating for between six and twelve guests.  The seats are comfortable, have plenty of leg room, and the ability to lie back flat or almost flat.  The compartments around you have all kinds of snacks and goodies.  There should be a TV at front with flight data and news on it.  On some planes, there is a separate couch and lounging area in the back with another TV and and built in video game system.  Typically, there will be a hot meal or buffet served on the flight by a well-trained flight attendant [/list] [list] [*]Upon arrival at your destination, your bags will be put into a car for you and will drive you right to HQ. [/list] [/i][/indent][/indent] [color=Orange]"Well shit."[/color] Zeke mumbled in awe as his limo drove up to the front of Sentinel HQ. It wasn't the building that impressed him, it was his agents amazing organization skills. Before he had left, she had made sure to send him her well made itinerary. She had set up all the amenities that he enjoyed on the way here. He would have praised her, thanking God that he had an agent poke her, but then he realized she was a money succumbs of the worst kind. "Sir." his driver said curtly as he opened Zeke's door for him, bowing slightly. Paris was beautiful, just like it was in the books. When he was younger, leaving Brooklyn would be crazy, look where he was now. As his diver grabbed his baggage from the trunk, Suit included in suitcase form, he began to rattle of facts about the city in his thick accent. "Paris has always been one of the major tourist destinations in Europe. The city is situated on the banks of the Seine River and is one of the largest European capitals. The metropolitan area of the city is one of the most populated in Europe, about 11.5 million people live in it. Paris is a leading political, business and cultural centre with a global influence on the arts and fashion. Many international organizations and large companies have their offices in the city. Paris is world-known with its neo-classical architecture and is a home to many museums, art galleries, historical monuments and recreation places.  The Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris. It is an iron structure erected on the Champ de Mars beside the Seine River. It is 324 m. high and stands out against the skyline of the city. The tower was built for the celebration of the French Revolution centenary and was inaugurated on March 31, 1889. The builder and architect of the tower, Gustave Eiffel is also famous for designing the iron backbone of the Statue of Liberty. The Eiffel Tower is the most visited building in the world. The annual flow of visitors is about 6 million a year, more than the Empire State Building with 3.6 million and the Tokyo Tower with 3 million. The tower was the tallest structure in the world for its times and replaced the Washington Monument. It remained so until 1930. The tower was struck by lightening in 1902 and 300 feet of the top were reconstructed. Today, the tower has 1660 steps to the top and elevators. It is made on several levels and is a host of several venues. The twinkling lights of the tower were at first made for the arrival of the year 2000. They did not function for about a year and were brought back in 2003. Today, the Eiffel Tower looks elegant and alive with 4 floodlights rotating on the top, which make it visible miles away from the city. Is it not beautiful, do you wish to visit it?" [color=Orange]"Uhh, ya sure, later."[/color] he mumbled distantly as he found himself drooling over the blonde that waited for him in the entrance. Zeke wasted no time sliding over to her, his driver following behind. [color=springgreen][b]"Hi! You must be the famous #0, former player of the Brooklyn Nets, Zeke Prince! I'm Hollie, Hollie Hills, mission coordinator around here. Follow me!"[/b][/color] she began as she walked towards the elevator, Zeke following close behind, driver in tow. [color=Orange]"Guilty. Call me JP, Hollie, maybe we can talk sometime?"[/color] he said smoothly as the elevator reached its destination, a penthouse. [color=springgreen][b]"Oh we can, with everyone else!"[/b][/color] she countered as he walked out of the elevator, immediately closing it behind him and his driver before he could fire a retort. His driver looked at him expectantly, a humorous expression on his face. [color=Orange]"Just put it in a corner and leave."[/color] he sighed exasperatedly as he took a seat on a couch, his suit crumpling a bit before he unbuttoned it. Soon, Zeke realized he wasn't alone in the room, a young man with brown hair sat not to far away from him. [color=Orange]"Sup."[/color] he called simply, unsure of how to start a conversation with the guy, he didn't seem like the concentrating type.