[center][h1][color=0076a3][b][u]Christopher Mozrick[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [h1][color=0076a3][b][u]Sergeant[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [IMG]http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/6872/252495-desert_soldier_by_penthesileiaravyn_super.jpg[/IMG][/center] Christopher's former employer had arranged for transport to take him to the Sentinel HQ, which he was grateful for. It saved time, that was for sure. With a plane ticket to Paris, Christopher had a long journey ahead of him. Most of his time was spent going over various topics in his mind, making sure he forgot none of it. Tactics in battle, names of allies and enemies, etc, etc. Once the plane reached the airport, Christopher's next plan of action was to hail a taxi. Turns out that taxis were very high in demand, so it took some time before he was able to get a ride. "The Eiffel Tower," Christopher said promptly, and the driver wasted no time leaving. The trip was mostly silent, and also rather long due to traffic. The driver looked back at Christopher through the mirror occasionally, which Christopher ignored. It was none of his concern what the driver thought as long as he could reach his destination. Finally, the ride ended, and Christopher gave him a nod and a small tip before exiting, ignoring the driver's attempts to negotiate for a higher tip. Shortly after Christopher entered the building, he was greeted by a rather attractive blonde girl, though her looks held no sway against Christopher. "Hello! You must be Christopher Mozrick! My name is Holly Hills, the mission coordinator here. Another former Sentinel is here too! You probably remember him. Creatrix, he called himself. Anyway, let's get you to join the others." Christopher responded with a simple nod. He did remember Creatrix. He could hardly forget the one who had created the buildings that proved to be major assets in many missions. Looking around, Christopher spotted his old comrade, already conversing with the others. With nothing else to do, Christopher merely found and empty chair and took a seat. There was not much need to introduce himself yet, especially since not everyone was here.