[hr][hr][center][h1][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Cassandra%20Hope&name=learningcurve_tt.ttf&size=75&style_color=88cdcb[/img][/h1] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3v5nlFkqn1r7ifqv.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Hotel Shikha [b]Interacting With:[/b] Claire, Alcander, Murphy, Desh [b]Date:[/b] Early Evening/August 1st, 2016[hr][b]Interaction Tags:[/b] [@Lady Amalthea] [@POOHEAD189][/center][hr] Smirking like a fool as she wandered over to the table, Cass chuckled at the state Desh was in and rolled her eyes. [color=88cdcb]"Nothin' worse than a man tha' cannae hold 'is liquor."[/color] She contemplated curling up on the corner beside him but then wasn't sure how handsy a man he might be and reconsidered her stance on the matter. She could barely deal with her own handsy-ness nevermind that of another person that wasn't Claire. That's when she heard Murphy's offer to sit in her lap as she watched Claire wander over and onto Alcander's lap. Girl was certainly not shy, it was one of the many reasons that Cass loved her. Rolling her eyes and putting her hands on her hips, Cass gave Murphy a steady stare. [color=88cdcb]"After tha' wee performance earlier tha' nearly made m'ears bleed?"[/color] She pouted her lips and made a small huffing noise of indignation. It only lasted seconds before her face split into a grin and she sauntered over to Murphy, her backside slipping onto his lap as her tiny little legs dangled over the side. She wriggled and made herself comfortable before looking to Murphy and tugging gently on his ear. [color=88cdcb]"I'm not a cheap lap warmer, pal. It's gonnae cost ye a single malt. Double."[/color] Cass looked over to Claire and saw her face showing what appeared to be surprise, at least in that subtle way that Claire showed such emotion when she didn't want it to be blatantly obvious to everyone around. She'd need to ask her about that later when they headed back to the hole-tel.[hr]