[hr][hr][center][img]https://s32.postimg.org/h9zxjum6t/media_header.png[/img] [img]https://gwrtc103projects.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/robin.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] The entire world -- those with electricity -- glued themselves to the television set. Amelia Pilkvist, anchor for [i]World News Now[/i], forced a grim smile. Live footage from around the world came streaming in, and as the red light flickered on the camera, she began to summarize the daily casualties: [color=pink]"Good morning, I'm Amelia Pilkvist, and here's the news. Today around 3 A.M. in California, three successive earthquakes have left millions without shelter, food, or water. Emergency personnel are still attempting to search for survivors, and the estimated death toll stands at 2,147. At least 8,486 people are injured, and another 3,691 have been reported missing."[/color] The background behind her displayed footage of the deadly quake, skyscrapers seemingly swallowed up by the ground, tossed around, and thrown aside. Screams and fire and chaos were commonplace. [color=pink]"Some are beginning to question the notion that the center of this bizarre string of tragedies is in Altsoba, Washington,"[/color] Pilkvist continued. [color=pink]"At the moment, our live feed shows no signs of tragedy in the town--though, the scent of cow manure drifting off from the highway may certainly count as one. We'll be back with an update at noon, with live coverage of the Altsoba Town Meeting."[/color] Pilkvist smiled. [color=pink]"And now, it's time for sports."[/color][hr][hr][color=00ff99][h1][center]Sutton Smith[/center][/h1][/color][center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/14cb525ba5842a4ec336678ad990e755/tumblr_mqvuzy5ejt1rlwc99o1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Jake's Interacting With: Jake Anderson[/center][hr][hr] Sutton sighed, switching the television off. Her hair cascaded to her shoulder, never ceasing to curl--and more irritatingly, to tangle. Wiping down the table, she heard the door jingle as someone walked in. [color=00ff99]"We're not open yet!"[/color] Sutton shouted, folding up the rag neatly and setting it down on the table. Turning around, she rolled her eyes a bit. It was [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-KpNgt92HWD8/TaiFo38u36I/AAAAAAAAAD8/mXTZApGN6io/s1600/gerard-butler-facial-hair-1288968381.jpg]Jake Anderson himself[/url]. Sutton couldn't help but note the bags underneath his eyes, the five o'clock shadow that must have felt like sandpaper. His eyes were bloodshot, and his clothing was covered with stains and crinkled, as if he had been chased by the devil himself. [b]"Listen, Susan,"[/b] Jake began, throwing his keys at her. [color=00ff99]"It's [i]Sutton[/i]"[/color] she interjected, catching them deftly. It was heavier than the normal set that she used--much heavier. A few of the keys on the ring looked foreign, hardly anything she had been allowed to use before. Some of them she hadn't the faintest idea what they want to. Jake shrugged. [b]"Whatever. Point is, I'm out of here. Going to be with my sister, away from all of this...this shit!"[/b] Pressing his hair upwards, Jake laughed a bit. [b]"Congratulations-the place is yours."[/b] Sutton blinked. Instantly, her neck began to itch, and an urge to run out of the place screaming filled her. The keys felt like an anchor, weighing her down, and confining her to the shabby little bar. She [i]hated[/i] being tied down--there was a reason that she hadn't looked into buying a house, and that the rent on her apartment was a month by month basis. This wasn't where she wanted to die. [color=00ff99]"Is this about the apocalypse bullshit?"[/color] Sutton asked bluntly. [color=00ff99]"You know none of that's real, right?"[/color] Jake laughed a bit, grabbing the door and rushing out of it. Before he left, however, he added, [b]"The Lord comes for us all in the end, sweetheart! Get your ass out of town if you're smart, you'll regret it!"[/b] The door shut with a slam behind him, and Sutton let out a sigh. She had seen all of the news reports- and still, she wasn't convinced. The world had always been an awful place, but that didn't mean it was going to end. [color=00ff99]"More tips for me, then,"[/color] Sutton shrugged, and resumed her work preparing the restaurant for the lunch rush that day. Half of the town, she expected, would come after the town meeting at noon. They'd be hungry for answers--and starving for Jake's famous bacon-burgers. Fortunately, it was a moderately warm day, with only a few clouds concealing the blue sky. Nothing was too terribly amiss. It'd be business as usual.